Agenda item


To consider the report of the Head of Locality Partnerships which provides an update on the budget position for the Wellbeing Fund, Youth Activity Fund Capital Budget, as well as the Community Infrastructure Levy budget for 2024/25.


The report of the Head of Locality Partnerships provided the Community Committee with an update on the budget position for the Wellbeing Fund, Youth Activity Fund (YAF), Capital Budget as well as the Community Infrastructure Levy Budget for 2024/25.


The Localities Officer presented the report, outlining the following information:

  • The remaining Wellbeing balance available to the Committee was £148,810.81, with the Ward breakdown as, Beeston and Holbeck £49,589.73, Hunslet and Riverside £46,671.98 and Middleton Park £52,549.10, as detailed in table 1.
  • Since the last Community Committee on 4th September 2024, one project has been declined by delegated decision which was for the Women’s Wellbeing Group, for the amount of £1,000.
  • Monitoring information was available on page 48 of the report with an update provided for a previously approved funding application project, Breeze in the Park, (Beeston & Holbeck, Hunslet & Riverside and Middleton Park) with 5,560 people attending the event.
  • The remaining YAF balance available to the Committee was £48,274.77, with the Ward breakdown as Beeston and Holbeck £13,049.30, Hunslet and Riverside £13,624.22 and Middleton Park £21,601.25, as detailed in table 2.
  • Tables 3, 4 and 5 detailed the Small Grants, Community Skips and Capital budget position, respectively.
  • The remaining CIL balance available to the Committee was £139,349.62 with the Ward breakdown as Beeston and Holbeck £50,582.71, Hunslet and Riverside £84,803.49 and Middleton Park £3,963.42, as detailed in table 6.


During consideration of the Finance Report, the following was discussed:

  • For the Live Well funding application, Members approved £1,120 out of the £4,000 that had been applied for (Beeston & Holbeck: £640 and Hunslet & Riverside: £480). Members agreed to fund the portion of the project for the participants in their respective Wards.
  • The Speed for Sport Sprint Competition for Children funding application was declined as Members raised concerns regarding that the project required significant funds but was only to run for 3 months, the applicant had also alluded to being in partnership with Beeston Juniors Football Club, however, contacts with the football club were unaware of the organisation. Members required evidence as to who the organisation were and further details of the proposals.
  • The SCORE Development Centre funding application was declined as the Committee had funded a significant number of grass roots football clubs and the same applicant appeared to have recently partnered with Cross Flatts Football club, so clarity as to what the unique selling point of the project was sought.
  • The From Bangladesh to Beeston – Our Story funding application was approved, following discussions as to whether the applied for funding was reasonable for a community film budget. Members also requested that they were able to attend a screening of the film.
  • Members agreed to ringfence half (£4,020) of the project costs for the Brilliant Beeston Hill application, which was agreed in principle, pending the remaining match funding that was sought.
  • The Leeds Inner South Menopause and Midlife Health Support Pilot was approved, however, Middleton Park Ward Members requested confirmation that provision within their Ward was ensured and also details whether sessions were to be held remotely or in person. The Localities Officer agreed to follow up Members queries with the applicant.
  • Members queried the timeframes for the next CIL injection, which was to be followed up by the Localities Officer.



a. That the details regarding the administration of small grants (paragraph 16), be noted.

b. That the details of the Wellbeing Budget position (Table 1), be noted.

c.  That the Wellbeing/CIL ringfence proposals for consideration and approval (paragraph 20), be noted.

d. That the Wellbeing/YAF/CIL proposals for consideration and approval (paragraph 21), be noted.

e. That the details of the projects approved via Delegated Decision (paragraph 32), be noted.

f. That the monitoring information of its funded projects (paragraph 33), be noted.

g. That the details of the Youth Activities Fund position (Table 2), be noted.

h. That the details of the Small Grants Budget (Table 3), be noted.

i. That the details of the Community Skips Budget (Table 4), be noted.

j. That the details of the Capital Budget (Table 5), be noted.

k. That the details of the Community Infrastructure Levy Budget (Table 6), be noted.

l. That funding proposals as detailed in the report for consideration, be determined as follows:


The following ringfences were agreed:



£10,000 (CIL) for the Hunslet Improvements ringfence.




£15,000 (CIL) towards the cost of improvements to Penny Pocket Park (Hunslet & Riverside)



Project Title





Cottingley Community Centre



Beeston & Holbeck








Live Well


Beeston & Holbeck and Hunslet & Riverside



£1,120 of the requested




Part agreed



Middleton Park Christmas Events




Middleton Park









Speed for Sport Sprint Competition for Children



Beeston & Holbeck, Hunslet & Riverside and Middleton Park



£7,370 (Beeston & Holbeck: £5,159, Hunslet & Riverside: £1,695.10 and Middleton Park: £515.90)







SCORE Development Centre – Community Engagement



Beeston & Holbeck and Hunslet & Riverside


£8,000 (Beeston & Holbeck: £3,280 - Wellbeing and Hunslet & Riverside: £4,720 – CIL)





From Bangladesh to Beeston – Our Story



Beeston & Holbeck and Hunslet & Riverside


£8,000 (Beeston & Holbeck: £3,280 - Wellbeing and Hunslet & Riverside: £4,720 – CIL)








Brilliant Beeston Hill




Hunslet & Riverside


£4,020 of the originally applied for amount of £8,040




Part agreed, in principle


Cottingley MUGA Lighting



Beeston & Holbeck







Inner South CCTV Cameras



Beeston & Holbeck and Hunslet & Riverside



£6,000 (Beeston & Holbeck £4,000 and Hunslet & Riverside £2,000)






Middleton Park Boulders



Middleton Park






Leeds Inner South Menopause and Midlife Health Support Pilot



Beeston & Holbeck, Hunslet & Riverside and Middleton Park








Wesley Street Bench



Beeston & Holbeck







Royal Grove post and rail



Hunslet & Riverside






Fulham Street – Grass Verge



Hunslet & Riverside






Supporting documents: