Events Calendar
30 December 2019 MONDAY

31 December 2019 TUESDAY

1 January 2020 WEDNESDAY

Bank Holiday

2 January 2020 THURSDAY

3 January 2020 FRIDAY

6 January 2020 MONDAY
9.00 am

Employment Committee - Civic Hall, Leeds

1.30 pm

City Plans Panel - Civic Hall, Leeds

7 January 2020 TUESDAY
10.00 am

Licensing Sub-Committee - Civic Hall, Leeds

10.00 am

Executive Board - Civic Hall, Leeds

1.30 pm

Scrutiny Board (Adults,Health & Active Lifestyles) - Civic Hall, Leeds, LS1 1UR

8 January 2020 WEDNESDAY
10.30 am

Scrutiny Board (Infrastructure, Investment & Inclusive Growth) - Civic Hall, 1st Floor West,LS1 1UR

9 January 2020 THURSDAY
10.30 am

Scrutiny Board (Environment, Housing and Communities) - Civic Hall, Leeds, LS1 1UR

10 January 2020 FRIDAY
9.30 am

Employment Committee - Civic Hall, Leeds

13 January 2020 MONDAY
10.00 am

Climate Emergency Advisory Committee - Civic Hall, Leeds

14 January 2020 TUESDAY
10.00 am

CANCELLED - Licensing Sub-Committee - Civic Hall, Leeds

15 January 2020 WEDNESDAY
12.30 pm

Extraordinary Meeting, Council - Civic Hall, Leeds

1.00 pm

Council - Civic Hall, Leeds

16 January 2020 THURSDAY
11.00 am

North and West Yorkshire Business Rates Joint Committee - Wellington House, 40 - 50 Wellington Street, Leeds, LS1

1.00 pm

Employment Committee - Civic Hall, Leeds

1.30 pm

South and West Plans Panel

4.30 pm - 6.30 pm

Leeds School Forum - Merrion House Meeting Suite Rooms Three and Four

17 January 2020 FRIDAY
1.00 pm - 3.00 pm

CANCELLED - Tenant Scrutiny Board

20 January 2020 MONDAY
10.30 am

Scrutiny Board (Strategy and Resources) - Civic Hall, Leeds, LS1 1UR

5.30 pm

Outer North East Community Committee - Civic Hall, Leeds (Committee Room 6 & 7)

21 January 2020 TUESDAY
10.00 am

Licensing Sub-Committee - Civic Hall, Leeds

1.30 pm

Development Plan Panel - Civic Hall, Leeds, LS1 1UR

22 January 2020 WEDNESDAY
10.00 am

Scrutiny Board (Children and Families) - Civic Hall, Leeds, LS1 1UR

23 January 2020 THURSDAY
1.30 pm

North and East Plans Panel - Civic Hall, Leeds

24 January 2020 FRIDAY

27 January 2020 MONDAY
10.00 am

Corporate Governance and Audit Committee - Civic Hall, Leeds, LS1 1UR

28 January 2020 TUESDAY
10.00 am

Licensing Committee - Civic Hall, Leeds

2.00 pm

General Purposes Committee - Civic Hall, Leeds, LS1 1UR

29 January 2020 WEDNESDAY

30 January 2020 THURSDAY
1.30 pm

City Plans Panel - Civic Hall, Leeds

31 January 2020 FRIDAY