Issue - decisions

Approval to secure additional care home beds as part of Discharge to Assess provision to reduce Covid-19 winter pressures in acute hospital settings.

20/11/2020 - Approval to secure additional care home beds as part of Discharge to Assess provision to reduce Covid-19 winter pressures in acute hospital settings.

In light of the COVID-19 pandemic the Director of Adults and Health gave authorisation, utilising the Special Urgency Provisions under Paragraph 2.6 of the Executive and Decision Making Procedure Rules, to secure a further 100 care home bed capacity (referenced as Phase 2), in addition to the 100 beds procured from 1 November 2020 under Phase 1. This will entail establishing a new framework agreement to increase capacity within the city. The additional beds required will continue to support the health and care system’s Discharge to Assess (D2A) provisions to ensure timely discharge from acute settings for medically fit patients. The additional beds will also be available up to 31 March 2021 with one extension period of a further six months at an approximate value of £1,880,996.00 for the initial six month period (£3,762,200 full year effect). The provision will help to reduce the impact of COVID-19 and seasonal winter pressures on the health and social care system. The full cost of this provision will be covered through NHS CCG COVID-19 funding. The necessity for this decision has come about due to the demand being presented and the lower than expected range of homes secured under the first procurement exercise (Phase 1).


On 19 March 2020, Central Government published the guidance on COVID-19 Hospital Discharge Service Requirements. This places a duty on local authorities to assume lead commissioning and contracting responsibilities for “expanding the capacity in domiciliary care, care homes and reablement services in the local area”.