Issue - decisions

Design & Cost Report and Tender Acceptance for the Learning Places Programme project to form the West Oaks School 'Headingley Learning' facility at Buckingham Road

05/10/2021 - Design & Cost Report and Tender Acceptance for the Learning Places Programme project to form the West Oaks School 'Headingley Learning' facility at Buckingham Road

The Director of Children & Families agreed to:

a)  Approve the expenditure of £9,767,967 from capital scheme number 33177/RCT/000 for the sufficiency works at West Oaks School to create the ‘Headingley Learning’ Campus.  Noting that this figure includes the tender sum in addition to all ancillary costs, for example, consultancy fees, surveys, furniture & equipment, ICT provision, client held contingency etc. It does not include any costs associated with purchase of the site.

b)  Authorise acceptance of the tender submitted by the Leeds Local Education Partnership, via Henry Boot Construction Ltd, in the sum of £7,324,441.  Noting that this is inclusive of all contract side design and development fees, including the previously approved sum of £1,360,365 necessary to undertake the ‘Early Works’ programme (DDN D54051, D54409 and D54531).

c)  Sanction the requirement to enter into a contractual agreement with D&B One Co. to deliver the West Oaks School ‘Headingley Learning’ sufficiency works.  This will take the form of a JCT contract between the Authority and Leeds D&B One Ltd. for the sum of £7,324,441. 

d)  Note that the programme dates identified in section 51 of this report, in relation to the implementation of this decision, represents the critical path for delivery of the project.