Issue - decisions

Design Cost Report for Allerton High bulge works 2021

14/07/2021 - Design Cost Report for Allerton High bulge works 2021

Approve authority to spend and incur expenditure of £1,507,600 from capital scheme number 33177/BGE/ALL in order to deliver the accommodation and supporting works associated with the 30 place bulge cohort for September 2021.


Note revenue costs of £424,700 will also be incurred as part of the bulge works.


Note the programme dates identified in section 10 of this report require the main works to commence on site in July 2021, which is within the call-in period and the critical timeline to ensure the success of the project; and as such approve the recommendation to exempt this report from call-in.


Note that the officer responsible for implementation is the Head of Service Learning Systems in Children’s and Families Directorate.


Note that the approvals associated with amending the deed of variation under the PFI contract are subject to a separate approval process and a design and cost report will be submitted once the uplift costs have been finalised.