Issue - decisions

Review of the City Multiagency Partnership Approach to Dealing with the Pandemic

23/07/2021 - Update on Coronavirus (Covid-19) Pandemic - Response & Recovery Plan

The Chief Executive submitted a report presenting details of the actions being taken as part of the multi-agency partnership approach since the last Executive Board meeting on 23rd June 2021. The report included the findings of a review of the city’s multi-agency response to the pandemic, involving stakeholders from across the partnership.  The report also provided the latest Response and Recovery Plan, which continued to be the main reporting tool for ongoing work across the seven themes, setting out the broad range of activities including: a summary plan for the rest of 2021, details of the vital partnership arrangements, and information on the continued proactive work to try and control the number of cases across the city and increase testing, tracing, isolating and crucially vaccination uptake.


In presenting the report, the Leader provided an update on how the Council was adapting services following progression to Step 4 of the Government’s roadmap on 19th July, with the importance of a continued cautious approach being highlighted. In addition, the Executive Member for Public Health and Active Lifestyles provided an update on the progress being made in relation to vaccination rates across the city.  A summary of the ‘lessons learned’ review which had been undertaken regarding the multi-agency approach towards responding to and recovering from the pandemic was also provided.


Responding to a Member’s enquiry, the Board received an update regarding the actions being taken and the processes which continued to be worked through as a result of progression to Step 4 of the Government’s roadmap in  areas such as the delivery of Council services, the public use of Council buildings and the operation and accessibility of Council committee meetings.



(a)  That the findings and recommendations in the Learning Lessons Review, as set out in Annex A to the submitted report, be noted and agreed;


(b)  That the latest version of the Response and Recovery Plan as at Annex B, including the plan for the remainder of the year, and the updated Local Outbreak Management Plan at Annex C, be noted;


(c)  That the information within Annex D, the latest Covid-19 Dashboard, and Annex E, a summary of national developments since the last meeting of Executive Board, be noted.