Issue - decisions

Design & Cost Report for Package Two of the 'Early Works' required to facilitate the Learning Places expansion of Carr Manor Community School (Primary Phase)

28/02/2019 - Design & Cost Report for Package Two of the 'Early Works' required to facilitate the Learning Places expansion of Carr Manor Community School (Primary Phase)

The Director of Childrens & Families agreed to:


1.  Approve the requirement to enter into an ‘Early Works’ agreement with the LLEP for Portakabin Limited to deliver ‘package two’ of the ‘Early Works’ programme necessary to meet the critical path programme for expansion of Carr Manor Community School (Primary Phase).  This will take the form of an ‘Early Works’ agreement between the authority and Leeds D&B One Ltd for the sum of £749,000.


2.  Approve the expenditure of £749,000 from capital scheme number 32655/CAR/000 for the completion of ‘package two’ of the ‘Early Works’ programme at Carr Manor Community School (Primary Phase). 


3.  Note that this constitutes the second of two separate ‘Early Works’ packages required at Carr Manor Community School (Primary Phase) prior to entering into formal contract following determination of the planning application on the 6th March 2019.  ‘Package two’, detailed within this report, includes for essential ground works and activities within the Portakabin factory necessary to ensure the critical path is met.  Construction activities on-site will no commence until Planning has been issued, these works are included here to ensure they are ‘pre-approved’ and can be commissioned immediately without further delay to programme. 


4.  Note the programme dates identified in section 4.0 of this report, in relation to the implementation of this decision, represents the critical path for project success and must be adhered to where possible. 


5.  Note that the officer responsible for implementation is the Head of Service Learning Systems and the Head of Projects and Programmes, Asset Management & Regeneration and authorise them to enter into all other agreements required to deliver this project.