Issue - decisions

A6110 Outer Ring Road Improvements

06/12/2018 - A6110 Outer Ring Road Improvements

i) noted the contents of the report;

ii) supported in principle the development of the A6110 Outer Ring Road Improvements, noting that WYCA has approved in principle enough funding to substantially fund implementation through the West Yorkshire plus Transport Fund (WY+TF);

iii) gave authority to procure consultancy support to deliver the outline business case and to tender the A6110 Outer Ring Road Improvements Assessment Contract through the WYCA Specialist Professional Services Contract;

iv) gave authority to an evaluation ratio of 60% quality and 40% price;

v) noted that officers will seek further approvals for construction of the A6110 Outer Ring Road Improvements, subject to the outcome of the development work and consultation; and

vi) noted that this scheme is expected to be delivered post-2021