Issue - decisions

Design and Cost Report in respect of the 2019/20 Children and Families Planned Maintenance Programme

28/02/2019 - Design and Cost Report in respect of the 2019/20 Children and Families Planned Maintenance Programme

The Director of Children and Families agreed to:


i)  Approve the proposed programme of Planned Maintenance works in maintained and Foundation (Trust) schools to be delivered during 2019/20 and funded from the available Schools Condition Allocation grant.

ii)  Authorise expenditure of £5,000,000 of the available Schools Condition Allocation grant on these essential condition works.

iii)  Approve the proposed procurement strategy, including the use of the internal provider for some work areas and the Constructionline framework for the remaining programme.

iv)  Note that £1,705,400 of previous year’s School Condition Allocation with pre-existing Authority to Spend is still available to be utilised towards the 2019/20 Capital Maintenance Programme, based on current outturn projections for previous year’s maintenance schemes.