Details of officer decisions relating to planning applications.
Decision Maker: Director of City Development
Decision published: 02/08/2024
Effective from:
The director is recommended to approve the
proposal covering the directorate resource within their
area of responsibility.
Wards affected: (All Wards);
Lead officer: Lisa Colver
Decision Maker: Director of City Development
Decision published: 02/08/2024
Effective from:
The Chief Officer Highways &
Transportation is requested to note that Strategy and Resources
will transfer the finance for a SO2 graded post to H&T for this
position to be recruited and line managed by H&T; and
The Chief Officer Highways & Transportation is recommended to
approve the recruitment, finance and line management of four other
posts graded at PO6, PO4 (x2) and C1-PO1 which together with the
SO2 graded post financed by Strategy and Resource will create a new
health and safety team consisting of five posts.
Wards affected: (All Wards);
Lead officer: Richard Dennis
To expend up to £700,000 to carry out emergency works in default following service of urgent work notice.
Decision Maker: Chief Planning Officer
Decision published: 02/08/2024
Effective from: 02/08/2024
The Chief Planning Officer is requested to :-
a) Note, that, subject to approval by the Secretary of State for Housing, Communities and Local Government, an urgent works notice is served on the owner (City Fusion) and other interested parties in regards to Pine Court, 84/85, 86/87, 88/89 and 91 Kirkgate, Leeds City Centre.
Note, that, in the event that the
owner defaults on the notice, the Council
will carry out the urgent works specified in the notice.
Approve a transfer from the Strategic & Central existing
capital programme of £700k, to City Developments 2024/25
Asset Management programme and grant authority to spend for up to
£700,000, to cashflow emergency works if required.
d) Note that the Council will seek to recover the cost of the urgent works.
Wards affected: Little London and Woodhouse;
Lead officer: Philip Ward
Decision Maker: Director of City Development
Decision published: 01/08/2024
Effective from:
It is recommended that the Former South Pudsey
Community Centre is:
(1) Declared surplus to Council requirement.
(2) Disposed on the open market by auction, at a reserve price to
be approved in accordance with the sub-delegation scheme.
Wards affected: Pudsey;
Lead officer: Matthew Beswick
Decision Maker: Director of City Development
Decision published: 01/08/2024
Effective from:
The Chief Officer (Highways and
Transportation) is requested to:
a) Note the detail of the highway works as outlined in section 4 of
this report and shown on General Arrangement Plan 21-430 EW21 P02
attached at Appendix 3.
b) Give authority to negotiate the terms of and enter into an
agreement with the developer under the provisions of Section 278 of
the Highways Act 1980; whereby the works associated with the
development are carried out by the developer and overseen by the
Council with step in rights.
c) Give authority to incur expenditure of £5,000 staff
checking and inspection fees to be fully funded by a developer
through a Section 278 Agreement.
d) Approve the adoption of new highway construction on land shaded
blue on Land Dedication Plan 21-430 EW24 P03 attached at Appendix 4
so that it can be added to the Council’s maintenance
e) Approve with reference to powers contained in Section 66 (1) and
(4) of the Highways Act construction/ modification of footways as
shown on General Arrangement Plan 21-430 EW21 P02 attached at
Appendix 3.
Wards affected: Morley North;
Lead officer: Matthew Woodrow
Decision Maker: Director of Children and Families
Decision published: 01/08/2024
Effective from:
The Chief Officer, Resources, Transformation
and Partnerships has given their approval to procure providers that
will deliver Targeted Short Breaks through a competitive grant
process. Commissioned Providers will continue the delivery of
targeted short breaks and ensure this support remains in place for
C&YP with SEND and their families/carers. The Grants will cover
the period from 1st Oct 2024 for 18 months at a value of up to
£317,500 per annum. There will be no options to extend once
the agreements end on 31st March 2026.
The Chief Officer, Resources, Transformation and Partnerships
Families has given their approval of payment in advance to the
grant recipients. Payment in advance is crucial to small, third
sector organisations so that they can effectively manage budgets
and cash flow to deliver the service. This has been the payment
method used over the last ten or so years for services commissioned
via the competitive grants process. Payments will be made on a half
yearly basis in April and October. Providers will be subject to a
financial checking process using the CreditSafe facility.
Lead officer: Santi Franceschino
Decision Maker: Director of Public Health
Decision published: 01/08/2024
Effective from:
The Director of Public Health approved the
direct award of the Gypsy and Traveller Public Health and wellbeing
service to Leeds GATE for a period of 5 years commencing on 1st
January 2025 (with an option to extend for a period of up to 36
months in any combination). The initial contract value is
£262,500 (£52,500 per annum). The direct award will be
carried out in accordance The Health Care Services (Provider
Selection Regime) Regulations 2023 (PSR) which came into force on
the 1st January 2024.
Note that the value of the contract would be £420,000 if the
full extension period is to be utilised.
Wards affected: (All Wards);
Lead officer: Emma Howson
To approve the use of Affordable Housing Commuted Sums Grant Funding to support a Registered Provider to deliver new affordable homes at St Cecilia Street.
Decision Maker: Director of City Development
Decision published: 01/08/2024
Effective from: 17/08/2024
The Chief Officer Asset Management & Regeneration is requested to approve and grant authority to the following, subject to full planning approval and acquisition of the site being completed:
a) The spend of affordable housing commuted sums grant funding up to £1,440,894 to support the delivery of a 100% affordable scheme by L&GAH of 78 new homes for social rent at St Cecilia Street in the Little London and Woodhouse ward and;
b) For the Council to enter into a grant agreement and nominations agreement with L&GAH on the terms set out in this report.
In addition, the decision maker approves the decisions set out below:
To restrict public access to Exempt Appendices 1 and 2 due to the confidential nature of the information contained within them. Further details relating to these specific exemptions are set out within the attached report.
Wards affected: Little London and Woodhouse;
Lead officer: Clare Wiggins
Decision Maker: Director of City Development
Decision published: 30/07/2024
Effective from:
The Director of City Development is requested
a) Grant Approval to purchase the properties detailed in
Confidential Appendix A at market value, as determined by Land
& Property, and authorise their return to Council housing
b) Authorise the required expenditure to enable the programme to
progress the property acquisitions detailed in Confidential
Appendix A. These property acquisitions will be funded from the
Council Housing Growth Programme budget via a combination of
Housing Revenue Account (HRA) borrowing and Right to Buy
c) Note that Executive Board granted Authority to Spend for the
programme on 24th July 2019.
d) Note that written approval to bring the properties back into
council housing stock was provided by the Chief Officer, Housing on
9 July 2024.
Wards affected: Bramley and Stanningley; Weetwood;
Lead officer: Tia Nicholson Johnson
Decision Maker: Director of City Development
Decision published: 30/07/2024
Effective from:
The Director of City Development is requested
a) Grant Approval to purchase the properties detailed in
Confidential Appendix A at market value, as determined by Land
& Property, and authorise their return to Council housing
b) Authorise the required expenditure to enable the programme to
progress the property acquisitions detailed in Confidential
Appendix A. These property acquisitions will be funded from the
Council Housing Growth Programme budget via a combination of
Housing Revenue Account (HRA) borrowing and Right to Buy
c) Note that Executive Board granted Authority to Spend for the
programme on 24th July 2019.
d) Note that written approval to bring the properties back into
council housing stock was provided by the Chief Officer, Housing on
9 July 2024.
Wards affected: Armley; Cross Gates and Whinmoor; Middleton Park;
Lead officer: Tia Nicholson Johnson
Decision Maker: Director of City Development
Decision published: 30/07/2024
Effective from:
The Director of City Development is requested
a) Grant Approval to purchase the properties detailed in
Confidential Appendix A at market value, as determined by Land
& Property, and authorise their return to Council housing
b) Authorise the required expenditure to enable the programme to
progress the property acquisitions detailed in Confidential
Appendix A. These property acquisitions will be funded from the
Council Housing Growth Programme budget via a combination of
Housing Revenue Account (HRA) borrowing and Right to Buy
c) Note that Executive Board granted Authority to Spend for the
programme on 24th July 2019.
d) Note that written approval to bring the properties back into
council housing stock was provided by the Chief Officer, Housing on
8 July 2024.
Wards affected: Burmantofts and Richmond Hill; Killingbeck and Seacroft; Kirkstall; Pudsey;
Lead officer: Tia Nicholson Johnson
Decision Maker: Director of Strategy and Resources
Decision published: 29/07/2024
Effective from:
The decision maker has approved the
recommendations set out in the report attached.
In addition the decision maker approves the decisions set out
Appendix 1 of the attached report shall be designated exempt from
publications in accordance with Access to Information Procedure
Rule 10.4(3).
Wards affected: (All Wards);
Lead officer: Craig Simpson
Decision Maker: Director of Strategy and Resources
Decision published: 29/07/2024
Effective from:
The Chief Officer Financial Services has
approved the variation of the contract to KPMG LLP to increase the
value by £1m to £6.5m to extend the implementation
services to December 2024 due to the revised programme timeline and
Power App development
Wards affected: (All Wards);
Lead officer: Suzanne Hopes
To endorse scope and delivery principles for the Heart of Holbeck Levelling Up Fund programme and to approve delegations for finalisation of design details and legal agreements with Delivery Partners to enable its implementation.
Decision Maker: Executive Board
Made at meeting: 24/07/2024 - Executive Board
Decision published: 26/07/2024
Effective from: 03/08/2024
The Director of City Development submitted a report providing detailed proposals of the Levelling Up funded ‘Heart of Holbeck’ programme, with £15.9m of funding having been committed by the previous Government. The report outlined the proposed delivery method, which comprised a mixture of direct Council delivery and the provision of grants to third parties. The report noted that the programme aimed to tackle deep rooted health, economic and social inequalities in a concentrated area of Holbeck where deprivation and health outcomes were amongst the poorest in the city.
The Executive Member introduced the report and in doing so, provided an overview of the key aspects of the scheme and highlighted the benefits arising from it.
Following consideration of Appendix 2 to the submitted report designated as being exempt from publication under the provisions of Access to Information Procedure Rule 10.4(3), which was considered in private at the conclusion of the public part of the meeting, it was
(a) That the scope and delivery principles outlined for the Heart of Holbeck programme, as set out in the submitted report and the draft masterplan as presented at Appendix 3, be endorsed;
(b) That approval be given for the Director of City Development, in consultation with the Director of Strategy and Resources and the Executive Member for ‘Economy, Transport and Sustainable Development’, to finalise detailed legal agreements with Central Government, Holbeck Together and Leeds Building Society in accordance with the terms as set out in exempt Appendix 2 to the submitted report, subject to subsidy control assessments;
(c) That it be noted that the Director of City Development, in consultation with the Director of Strategy and Resources, the Director of Communities, Housing and Environment and the Executive Member for ‘Economy, Transport and Sustainable Development’ will finalise designs and enter into construction contracts for the former St Matthew’s Church, Local Centre and Holbeck Moor improvements.
(Further to Minute No. 17 above, Councillor Arif left the meeting room for the duration of the Board’s consideration of this item, returning to the meeting at the conclusion of this item)
Wards affected: Beeston and Holbeck;
Lead officer: Lee Arnell
Decision Maker: Executive Board
Made at meeting: 24/07/2024 - Executive Board
Decision published: 26/07/2024
Effective from: 03/08/2024
The Director of Public Health submitted an Annual Report for 2023 entitled, ‘Ageing Well: Our Lives in Leeds’ which fulfilled the requirement of the Director to publish a report on an annual basis which described the health of the population in Leeds and which made recommendations regarding the improvement of health in the city. It was noted that this 2023 Annual Report brought together lived experiences of ageing well amongst Leeds’ citizens having listened to the voices and stories of local people as well as professionals who work in this field. The report also reviewed relevant data and evidence in relation to ageing well.
In presenting the report, the Executive Member provided an overview and highlighted a number of key elements including the disparities around life expectancy and how people aged across different parts of the city. The Director’s recommendations arising from the report were also highlighted. It was noted that the report had recently been considered by the Health and Wellbeing Board.
The Director of Public Health highlighted that whilst Leeds was a relatively young city demographically, there would be an increase in the older population in the coming years, hence the ongoing work being undertaken in response to that evolving demographic change.
Also, it was noted that Leeds was in a strong position given its approach as an age friendly city, but still further action needed to be taken in this area. It was highlighted that a different approach towards the ageing well agenda was needed, in order to ensure that public services remained sustainable moving forward. It was noted that whilst the Director’s report included recommendations to the Council, it also contained recommendations to a range of partners.
Responding to a Member’s enquiries covering a range of issues, the Board received further details on the actions being taken to improve health outcomes and life expectancy generally. It was noted that whilst this report was entitled ‘Ageing Well’, focus was placed on an individual’s health from birth onwards and that there was continued investment into prevention work and Public Health programmes. It was also noted that these actions were being taken alongside the support provided to NHS partners in the delivery of their services. Further to this, it was highlighted that there was more targeted work in place for those parts of the city with the poorest health outcomes.
Particular reference was made to the age friendly approach taken in Leeds and how this covered areas such as transport provision and road safety for older people. Regarding public transport, details were provided on the collaborative work being undertaken with WYCA in this area, however, it was acknowledged that whilst improvements were being made, further consideration needed to be given to the provision of cross-Authority transport services and those affecting the communities in the outer areas of the city. Information was also provided on matters such as the actions being taken to increase uptake of cancer screening services and also how there was close collaborative working with Neighbourhood Networks across the city.
It was highlighted that poverty remained the issue with the most significant impact on an individual’s life expectancy, with further information being provided on the practical work undertaken in this area.
RESOLVED – That in order to increase the number of years spent in good health in Leeds:-
(i) The findings and recommendations of the 2023 Director of Public Health Annual Report, as presented within the submitted report and appendices, be noted; and
(ii) The recommendations identified for Leeds City Council within the Director of Public Health’s submitted Annual Report for 2023, be noted and supported.
Decision Maker: Executive Board
Made at meeting: 24/07/2024 - Executive Board
Decision published: 26/07/2024
Effective from: 03/08/2024
The Director of Strategy and Resources and the Director of Communities, Housing and Environment submitted a joint report presenting the Council’s Equality, Diversity and Inclusion (EDI) Annual Report 2023 – 2024. Following the Council’s adoption of a new Vision and Action Plan for EDI in February 2023, the report included a first full year update on progress against the 15 high level priorities contained in the Action Plan for EDI alongside the annual update on the Equality Improvement Priorities.
The Executive Member introduced the report and in doing so, highlighted key aspects and recommendations, which illustrated the breadth of work being undertaken by the Council in relation to EDI. The issues of poverty and health were highlighted as major factors which continued to impact upon individuals in this area. Noting the update provided on LGBT+ Inclusive Leeds, it was highlighted that there was an intention to broaden the communities covered through the ‘Inclusive Leeds’ initiative. It was also noted that the report presented the statement of the Strategy and Resources Scrutiny Board entitled, ‘Leeds City Council Workforce Equality, Diversity and Inclusion’ for the Board’s consideration.
Regarding the proposed updating of the Equality, Diversity and Inclusion Policy to include ‘Care Experienced’ as a locally protected characteristic, it was noted that the Executive Member was to chair a cross-party Member implementation group on such matters.
In considering the report, a Member highlighted the value of the relevant Scrutiny Board having the opportunity to analyse this data in detail.
(a) That the Equality Diversity and Inclusion Annual Report 2023 – 2024, as presented at Appendix 1 to the submitted report, be approved;
(b) That the adoption of the LGBT+ Inclusive Leeds approach for 2024/29, as presented at Appendix 2 to the submitted report, be approved;
(c) That the refreshed approach to the Equality Assembly, as presented at Appendix 3 to the submitted report, be approved;
(d) That the new Equality Improvement Priority relating to Leeds being a Carer Friendly City to replace the previous priority on responding to the impacts of Covid 19, a detailed at Appendix 4 to the submitted report, be adopted;
(e) That the updated Equality, Diversity and Inclusion Policy, which now will include ‘Care Experienced’ as a locally protected characteristic, as detailed at Appendix 5 to the submitted report, be approved;
(f) That the refreshed Zero Tolerance Statement, as presented at Appendix 6 to the submitted report, be approved;
(g) That the conclusions and recommendations of the Strategy and Resources Scrutiny Board Statement entitled, ‘Leeds City Council Workforce EDI’ as presented at Appendix 7 to the submitted report be noted;
(h) That it be noted that the Director of Communities, Housing and Environment is responsible for the implementation of the resolutions made by Executive Board in respect of Appendices 1-5 of the submitted report;
(i) That it be noted that the Director of Strategy and Resources is responsible for the implementation of the resolutions made by Executive Board in respect of Appendices 6-7 of the submitted report.
The decision is to introduce a new policy framework for Community Asset Transfers (CATs). The policy contains the criteria for when a CAT will be considered and the process that will be followed when assets are put forward for CAT. The policy is a revision to a previous policy approved in 2012.
Decision Maker: Executive Board
Made at meeting: 24/07/2024 - Executive Board
Decision published: 26/07/2024
Effective from: 03/08/2024
The Director of City Development submitted a report proposing the adoption of an updated policy for Community Asset Transfers which would replace the policy approved by Executive Board in September 2012 (Minute No. 77, 5th September 2012 referred). The report noted that the updated policy incorporated experience and learning acquired from managing community asset transfers for over ten years and would establish revised criteria and process that aligned with current estate strategies and challenges around estate maintenance.
With the agreement of the Chair, supplementary information was circulated to Board Members and published ahead of the meeting for consideration as part of this report in the form of an updated Appendix 2 EDCI Screening document. It was noted that this document had been updated in response to the consideration of the proposed new CAT Policy at the recent Scrutiny Board Infrastructure, Investment & Inclusive Growth meeting, and the timing between the meetings had not allowed this information to be included within the original agenda pack.
The Executive Member introduced the report and in doing so highlighted how the new policy would allow a proactive approach to be taken and how the policy benefitted from the experience of previous CAT processes. The extensive consultation undertaken with Elected Members was also highlighted, together with the fact that the matter had been considered by Scrutiny.
Further details were provided in response to the Member’s comments, with it being noted that the policy looked to provide communities with more certainty around related CAT processes and criteria in order to support those communities who were interested in potentially undertaking CAT’s.
In terms of a list of properties being drawn up which were suitable for CAT, the range of factors that would be taken into consideration as part of this process were highlighted. It was also noted that in presenting any potential CAT’s to Members moving forward, whilst there was a statutory duty to achieve best consideration for assets, the legal framework allowed for less than best disposals. As such, Members would be presented with details of best consideration, to enable Members to consider the value that they were willing to forego against the wider benefits that may be achieved through community and social value.
In conclusion, the Executive Member committed to continue working with Elected Members on such matters, including Scrutiny.
(a) That the new Community Asset Transfer policy, as presented at Appendix 1 to the submitted report, which will replace the previous Community Asset Transfer Policy, be agreed;
(b) That agreement be given to a list of properties suitable for Community Asset Transfer being established and presented to Executive Board in a future report.
Lead officer: Neil Young
Decision Maker: Executive Board
Made at meeting: 24/07/2024 - Executive Board
Decision published: 26/07/2024
Effective from: 03/08/2024
The Director of Communities, Housing and Environment submitted a report regarding the RSPB’s (Royal Society for the Protection of Birds) proposed funding bid to the National Heritage Lottery Fund (NHLF) for investment into St. Aidan’s and Fairburn Ings nature reserves as part of the ‘Wild Aire’ project. The report noted that the nature reserves were mostly owned by Leeds City Council and leased to the RSPB, and that in terms of St Aidan’s, an endowment existed which was administered by the St Aidan’s Trust (of which the Council is the Sole Trustee). As such, the report sought the Council’s in principle support for the RSPB’s proposed funding bid to the NHLF and also for the allocation of £805,000 from the St Aidan’s Trust as match funding for the project, should the bid be successful.
The Executive Member highlighted the benefits which would be achieved as a result of the proposals. Responding to a Member’s specific enquiry, assurance was provided that there were no risks to the Council arising from the proposals within the report and that the positive working relationship with the RSPB would continue irrespective of the outcome of the bid.
(a) That in principle support be given as landowner, for the RSPB’s proposed £8.5 million bid to the National Heritage Lottery Fund (NHLF) to invest in St Aidan’s and Fairburn Ings, as part of the ‘Wild Aire’ project, for the purposes of improving the visitor offer, engaging more diverse communities, making the sites better for wildlife and helping St Aidan’s become financially sustainable. That this support be demonstrated through the provision of a letter of support delegated to the Chief Officer for Climate, Energy and Green Spaces;
(b) That if the bid is successful, the allocation of £805,000 from the St Aidan’s Trust as match funding for the project, be approved;
(c) That approval be given to defer and delegate to the Director of City Development, any requirements to negotiate and agree terms for the variation of the lease of St Aidan’s to the RSPB, to help facilitate the successful delivery of the project.
(Councillor Pryor left and returned to the meeting room during the consideration of this item)
Wards affected: Garforth and Swillington; Kippax and Methley;
Decision Maker: Executive Board
Made at meeting: 24/07/2024 - Executive Board
Decision published: 26/07/2024
Effective from: 03/08/2024
The Director of Strategy and Resources submitted a report presenting for approval an update to the ‘Being Our Best – Our Organisation Plan’ for 2024/25, which set out the Council’s plan to be an efficient, enterprising, healthy and inclusive organisation.
In presenting the report, the Executive Member provided an overview of the key points within the within the updated Organisation Plan and how it had been updated in response to the current Best City Ambition following its adoption in February 2024, and also in response to the Government’s Productivity Plan requirements.
In considering the report, a Member highlighted the value of the relevant Scrutiny Boards having the opportunity to analyse this report in detail.
In response to a Member’s enquiries, the Board received further details on the actions that continued to be taken to ensure that the range of services across the Council worked as cohesively as possible as ‘One Council’. It was acknowledged that whilst much progress had been achieved in this area, there was still further improvements to be made. It was also noted that part of the ongoing review into Community Committees was around considering the Council’s ways of working from a local perspective.
(a) That the updated ‘Being Our Best – Our Organisation Plan 2024/25’, as presented in the submitted report, be approved, which responds to the UK Government Productivity Plan requirements;
(b) That it be noted that the submitted report and the Being Our Best publication was considered by Strategy and Resources Scrutiny Board at its July 2024 meeting;
(c) That it be noted that graphic design work will be developed prior to the publication of the updated ‘Being Our Best – Our Organisation Plan 2024/25’ around 1st September 2024, which may include some amendments to wording.
Decision Maker: Executive Board
Made at meeting: 24/07/2024 - Executive Board
Decision published: 26/07/2024
Effective from: 03/08/2024
The Director of Strategy and Resources submitted a report presenting the Council’s annual Corporate Performance report which provided an update on the Council’s performance in 2023/24 against the range of Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) monitored which covered all directorates.
In introducing the report, the Executive Member noted that whilst the annual corporate performance report provided an update on the Council’s strategic performance indicators, the importance of contributions to the successful delivery of those performance indicators by individuals and services across the Council was highlighted. The Board’s attention was drawn to the Council’s performance against some specific KPIs. The value of resources such as the Social Progress Index was also highlighted together with the reference in the report to the introduction of the Office for Local Government (OFLOG), which aimed to provide accessible data about the performance of Local Government.
In considering the report, a Member highlighted the value of the relevant Scrutiny Boards having the opportunity to analyse this data in detail.
Regarding the performance metric relating to the collection of household waste, a Member enquired whether a further metric could be added which measured performance on household waste collection specifically on the designated collection day. In response, the Executive Member for Climate, Energy, Environment and Green Spaces gave an undertaking that the Member in question would be provided with further information on this specific matter, with an offer of a further meeting between the Executive Member and the Member in question also being given, if required. The Executive Member also provided a wider update in relation to refuse collection.
Responding to a specific enquiry regarding the Council’s preparedness in relation to the introduction of new refuse collection policies, it was noted that a further report was intended to be submitted to the Board on such matters in due course.
RESOLVED – That the annual Corporate Performance Report for 2023/24, as submitted, be received and noted, together with the progress madeduring that period, as detailed within the submitted report.
Decision Maker: Executive Board
Made at meeting: 24/07/2024 - Executive Board
Decision published: 26/07/2024
Effective from: 03/08/2024
The Chief Officer Financial Services submitted a report presenting the Council’s financial position in respect of the 2024/25 revenue budget following the first quarter of the financial year. The report also provided an update on the Quarter 1 position in respect of the Housing Revenue Account, the Schools Budget, the Council Tax and Business Rates Collection Fund and Treasury Prudential Indicators.
In presenting the report the Executive Member provided an overview of the key points in which it was noted that as at Quarter 1, the Council was forecasting a General Fund overspend of £19.936m. The key areas of overspend were noted together with the reasons for those. The Executive Member also highlighted the range of mitigating measures being taken to address the overspend.
In response to a Member’s concerns about the projected overspend being reported at Quarter 1, the Board received detailed information on the complex challenges being faced together with the range of comprehensive actions being taken to address those challenges and to manage the financial pressures faced, with specific reference made to the work that continued to be undertaken in respect of the services within Children and Families directorate.
Regarding a specific enquiry on the projected overspend within the Adults and Health directorate, the Board received further detail on the key causes of that projected overspend. It was noted that higher than anticipated demand in relation to working age adults was a key factor that remained ongoing, and it was noted that this was not a unique trend to Leeds. Details of the range of work undertaken as part of the budget preparation and also in response to the current position were highlighted.
Also, noting that the report reflected the budgeted assumption of a 3.5% pay increase, an enquiry was raised about the potential impact on the budget should the pay award be higher. In response, it was noted that the JNC pay award had been agreed at 2.5%, whilst the NJC pay award was still being negotiated. In response to a further enquiry, it was undertaken that the Member in question would be provided with details of the potential impact upon the budget, should the NJC pay award be at a level of 5.5%.
Also in response to a Member’s enquiry, the Board was provided with further details on the range of actions that would continue to be taken to address the currently projected overspend in-year and look towards budget setting processes for future years. It was noted that this issue continued to dominate discussions, and whilst it was a challenging situation for all employees, it was highlighted that there was a commitment for the Council to do everything that it could to operate within its budget. It was also noted that such matters would continue to be reported to Executive Board, as appropriate.
Members also discussed the national position in relation to Local Government funding arrangements moving forward, given the recent change in national Government.
(a) That as presented within the submitted report, it be noted that at Quarter 1, the Authority’s General Fund revenue budget is reporting an overspend of £19.936m for 2024/25 (3.2% of the approved net revenue budget) after the application of reserves and within a challenging national context, with it also being noted that a range of actions are being undertaken to address this position;
(b) That as presented within the submitted report, it be noted that at Quarter 1, the Authority’s Housing Revenue Account is reporting a balanced position;
(c) That it be noted that known inflationary increases, including demand and demographic pressures in Social Care, known impacts of the rising cost of living, including the NJC pay settlement of £1,925 and the JNC pay settlement of 3.5%, have been incorporated into this reported financial position, with it also being noted that these pressures will continue to be reviewed during the year and reported to future Executive Board meetings as more information becomes available. That it also be noted that proposals would need to be identified to absorb any additional pressures;
(d) That it be noted that where an overspend is projected, directorates, including the Housing Revenue Account, are required to present action plans to mitigate their reported pressures and those of the Council’s wider financial challenge where possible, in line with the Revenue Principles agreed by Executive Board in February 2024 through the annual Revenue Budget report;
(e) That as presented within the submitted report, the quarterly analysis of the Prudential Indicators be noted, specifically that the actual gross and net debt for the Council in 2024/25 to date remain comfortably within both the Operational Boundary and the Authorised Limit set by Council.
Decision Maker: Executive Board
Made at meeting: 24/07/2024 - Executive Board
Decision published: 26/07/2024
Effective from: 03/08/2024
The Chief Officer Financial Services submitted a report presenting an update on the Council’s Capital Programme for the period 2024-2029, split between the General Fund and the Housing Revenue Account (HRA), with a forecast of resources available over that period. The report also provided a specific update of the 2024/25 Capital Programme and also sought approval in relation to specific injections into the Capital Programme.
In presenting the report, the Executive Member highlighted that both this report and the following Financial Health Monitoring report were being considered together, given that a review of the Capital Programme was taking place with the aim easing the pressure on the Council’s revenue budget. It was also noted that the level of borrowing within the Capital Programme, as presented, remained affordable and that the report also sought approval in relation to specific injections into the programme.
(a) That the following injections into the Capital Programme, as detailed at Appendix A (iii) of the submitted report, be approved:-
· £7,347.0k of Major Repairs Reserve funding for Capitalised Voids and Repairs; and
· £1,558.1k of additional departmental borrowing for the project to rehouse tenants and subsequently demolish 6 high rise blocks;
(b) That it be noted that the above resolution to inject funding of £8,905.1k will be implemented by the Chief Officer Financial Services;
(c) That the latest position on the General Fund and HRA Capital Programme as at Quarter 1 2024/25, as presented within the submitted report, be noted. That the current review of the existing programme to identify where schemes could be delayed to reduce debt costs and support the in-year revenue position, also be noted.
Decision Maker: Executive Board
Made at meeting: 24/07/2024 - Executive Board
Decision published: 26/07/2024
Effective from: 24/07/2024
Further to Minute No. 7, 19th June 2024, the Board considered a report of the Head of Democratic Services which, in response to the outcome of a Call In meeting of the Children and Families Scrutiny Board, asked Executive Board to reconsider one of its decisions taken on the Little Owls Nurseries Review report submitted to the 19 June 2024 Executive Board meeting.
Whilst the Scrutiny Board resolved at the Call In meeting of 9th July 2024 to release Executive Board resolutions 7(a) to (f) for implementation, the Scrutiny Board had resolved to refer resolution 7(g) back to the Board for reconsideration on the basis that the Scrutiny Board believed that democratic oversight would be enhanced if future decisions on the 12 Little Owls settings listed at resolution 7(e) were taken by Executive Board rather than through officer delegated decision. The Board was therefore asked to either confirm its original decision of 19th June as set out at resolution 7(g), or vary it, taking into account the recommendations made by the Children and Families Scrutiny Board at the recent Call In meeting.
Resolution 7(g) of 19 June 2024 Executive Board minutes read, ‘That it be noted that the Director of Children and Families may take further decisions in respect of the settings listed at resolution (e) above following the market sounding exercise for the twelve settings indicated, which would be as a direct consequence of this decision’.
It was confirmed that in taking account of the outcomes from the Scrutiny Board Call In meeting, it had been agreed to vary the Board’s original decision at 7(g) (as set out above) so that future decisions on the 12 Little Owls settings listed at resolution 7(e) of the same minute were taken by Executive Board. In response, a Member welcomed this proposal, commended the Scrutiny Board for the work undertaken and highlighted the value of the Scrutiny process.
RESOLVED – That in response to the outcome of the recent Scrutiny Board Children and Families Call In meeting regarding the decisions made by Executive Board on the Little Owls Nurseries Review (19 June 2024), resolution 7(g) be varied so that future decisions on the 12 Little Owls settings listed at resolution 7(e) of the same minute be taken by Executive Board.
(The resolution above, given that it was a decision which has been the subject of a previous Call In, was not eligible for Call In, in line with Executive and Decision Making Procedure Rule 8.1.1)
Decision Maker: Executive Board
Made at meeting: 24/07/2024 - Executive Board
Decision published: 26/07/2024
Effective from: 03/08/2024
The Director of Strategy and Resources submitted a report presenting the Council’s annual corporate risk and resilience report for consideration. The report provided details of the most significant risks currently on the Council’s corporate risk register together with summary assurances describing the key controls in place to manage those risks, details of where any further actions were planned and also signposting to where more detailed information can be found.
In presenting the report, the Leader highlighted the challenging environment in which Local Authorities were operating, which meant that the number of significant risks being faced was increasing. The Board’s attention was specifically drawn to the significant mitigation now in place with regard to the risk associated with major flooding, which was due to the key actions in this area including the development of the flood alleviation scheme.
The significant risks linked to the Council’s financial position were also highlighted.
In response to a Member’s question regarding the risks associated with the Council’s IT systems and arrangements for dealing with a major cyber outage, the Board received an update and assurance on the actions being taken in this area to mitigate the level of associated risk. It was noted that this matter was recently considered by the Strategy and Resources Scrutiny Board and whilst there was no complacency in this area, the Council was as confident as it could be in the arrangements it has established.
Linked to this and in response to a further enquiry, the Board received an update on the Council’s business continuity arrangements for the delivery of key services, which it was noted continued to evolve in response to the changing environment. Further to this, it was undertaken that the Member in question be offered a separate briefing on such matters.
RESOLVED – That the annual risk report, as presented in the submitted report and appendix, be noted, together with the assurances provided on the mostsignificant corporate risks, in line with the Council’s Risk Management Policy and Strategy and also in line with the Board’s overarching responsibility for their management.
Decision Maker: Executive Board
Made at meeting: 24/07/2024 - Executive Board
Decision published: 26/07/2024
Effective from: 03/08/2024
The Director of Adults and Health submitted a report on arrangements for the Community Health and Wellbeing Service pilot, which the report described as a transformational approach to delivering health and care services at home through a collaborative partnership of contracted providers working together on a neighbourhood basis. The report provided an update on the outcome of the recent tendering exercise for providers, set out the benefits of this model and presented the process for the mobilisation of the contract. It was noted that the new model was to be piloted in ‘Bramley and Stanningley’, ‘Armley’ and ‘Farnley and Wortley’ Wards.
The Executive Member introduced the report and in doing so provided an overview of this new model of home care. Also, details were provided on the benefits arising from this approach, how performance data would be monitored and what the model required for it to be implemented. It was also noted that consultation had been undertaken with local Wards Councillors with the matter also being recently considered and well received by Adults, Health and Active Lifestyles Scrutiny Board.
Responding to a Member’s enquiry, the Board was advised that in terms of Scrutiny involvement moving forward, the Scrutiny Board was scheduled to receive an update within approximately 6 months of the pilot commencing. It was also noted that there would also be external evaluation of the outcomes from this pilot, which would be incorporated into the update to Scrutiny Board.
Regarding a question on funding arrangements, the Board received details of the key mechanisms that would be in place to ensure that the costs of the new service would be covered, and noted that should it be needed, there was a contingency sum in place received via the NHS Transformation Fund.
(a) That the award of the Community Health and Wellbeing Service pilot contract to ‘Be Caring Limited’ and ‘Springfield Homecare Limited’, be noted, as per the delegated decision of the Director of Adults and Health (D57519 refers);
(b) That the award of a £247,000 grant from the Rayne Foundation’s “Better Careers for Better Care” fund via the grant holder Leeds Teaching Hospitals Trust to be allocated to Leeds City Council, Leeds Community Healthcare NHS Trust and the above contract holders to support the delivery of the pilot, be noted;
(c) That the process for mobilisation and communication with key stakeholders during this period, as detailed within the submitted report, be noted.
Wards affected: Armley; Bramley and Stanningley; Farnley and Wortley;
Leeds City Council is proposing to change the age range of Moor Allerton Hall Primary School from 3-11 years to 4-11 years and permanently close the local authority-maintained nursery at the school with effect from January 2025.
The decision required would determine whether the proposal should progress to a statutory notice stage.
The nursery will temporarily close in September 2024 pending the outcome of a decision to close permanently.
Decision Maker: Executive Board
Made at meeting: 24/07/2024 - Executive Board
Decision published: 26/07/2024
Effective from: 03/08/2024
The Director of Children and Families submitted a report on a proposal to change the age range of Moor Allerton Hall Primary School from 3-11 years to 4-11 years and to permanently close the Local Authority-maintained nursery. The report highlighted that a public consultation on the proposal had taken place between 13 May and 28 May 2024 and provided a summary of the consultation responses received. Additionally, the report sought approval for the publication of a statutory notice in respect of the proposals.
On behalf of the Executive Member for Children and Families, the Executive Member for Economy, Transport and Sustainable Development introduced the report and in doing so, highlighted the key recommendations. It was noted that whilst there had been 24.5 full time equivalent children attending the nursery in the summer term 2024, this would reduce to 5.5 in September 2024. It was also noted that should the submitted recommendations be approved, then the intention would be to bring a further report to the November 2024 Board, presenting the outcomes of the Statutory Notice.
Responding to a Member’s enquiry regarding the timing of the proposals within the submitted report, given the new Government’s manifesto commitment regarding childcare provision, the Board was provided with further context on the proposal. It was noted that the proposals were being brought forward due to a decline in population of children and young people in the local area together with a sufficiency of available provision in that locality. In addition, it was noted that the school was considering working with a private provider with regard to the potential delivery of childcare.
(a) That the outcome of the public consultation for this proposal, as detailed within the submitted report, be noted;
(b) That the publication of a Statutory Notice on the proposal to change the age range of Moor Allerton Hall Primary School from 3-11 years to 4-11 years and to permanently close the Local Authority-maintained nursery at the school, be approved;
(c) That it be noted that the implementation of the proposal would be subject to the outcome of the Statutory Notice;
(d) That the intention for a further report to be presented to the November 2024 Executive Board meeting, be noted;
(e) That it be noted that the responsible officer for the implementation of such matters is the Head of Learning Systems.
(Under the provisions of Council Procedure Rule 16.5, Councillor A Lamb required it to be recorded that he abstained from voting on the decisions referred to within this minute)
Wards affected: Roundhay;
Lead officer: Vivienne Buckland
Brief Description |
Proposal to close Knowle Manor care home in Rothwell and repurpose Dolphin Manor care home in Morley. Report to Executive Board for July 2024 meeting. A comprehensive stakeholder consultation has taken place and full details are available within the report. |
Impact On Wards |
Morley South and Rothwell |
Financial and procurement implications |
A budget report to the Council’s Executive Board in December 2023 stated the proposed closure of Knowle Manor would save in 2024/2025 an in year estimated saving of £100k. The repurposing of Dolphin Manor into a Recovery Hub would enable the Council to deliver additional rehabilitation and recovery beds. This would result in reduced demand for long term care and support, saving the Council money. |
Partnership working |
Leeds City Council has been working in an Alliance partnership with Leeds Community Healthcare since 2017 when it successfully bid for the Recovery Hub contract and secured funding from the Integrated Care Board (ICB). The success of the Recovery Hubs has also been recognised by the Home First programme. The repurposing of Dolphin Manor into a Recovery Hub will enhance the partnership. |
Decision Maker: Executive Board
Made at meeting: 24/07/2024 - Executive Board
Decision published: 26/07/2024
Effective from: 03/08/2024
The Director of Adults and Health submitted a report which presented the findings of the consultation exercise, as previously agreed to be undertaken at Executive Board in December 2023, on proposals to close Knowle Manor residential care home in Morley, and to repurpose Dolphin Manor residential care home in Rothwell into a community care bed base (Recovery Hub). In considering those outcomes, the report made recommendations regarding the future of both residential care homes for the Board’s consideration.
In presenting the report, the Executive Member provided an overview of the proposals and of the consultation undertaken. Information on current occupancy levels for both care homes was provided, with it being highlighted that the context of the proposals was that the use of Council residential care homes had declined over recent years. It was noted that there were other care home providers in the locality with vacancies and as such it was felt that there were suitable alternatives available for residents. It was also noted that there were jobs available for affected Knowle Manor staff at the Council’s other in-house care delivery services, and that proposals would see Dolphin Manor staff retaining their jobs. Acknowledging the potential impact of these proposals, details were provided on the support that would be given to those affected, should the recommendations be approved.
Responding to a Member’s enquiries regarding the future of Knowle Manor, Members received an update on the condition of the building. Whilst it was acknowledged that investment had been made via the installation of solar panels, it was noted that the building was in a poor condition and that the level of funding required to refurbish and maintain it was not available.
It was also noted that whilst not covered within the submitted report, the Leader highlighted that he and the Executive Member for Adult Social Care, Active Lifestyles and Culture had met with local Ward Councillors and the local MP about the longer-term future of Knowle Manor. It was undertaken that the Council would work with those local Ward Members and the MP in terms of looking for wider funding opportunities, with the aspiration that Knowle Manor be used for the future provision of care and health services in Morley, if at all possible, and that at the appropriate time, such matters would be submitted to the Board.
A Member raised an enquiry regarding consultation undertaken in relation to Dolphin Manor. In response, the Board received further information on the consultation exercise conducted in respect of the proposals within the submitted report affecting both Dolphin Manor and Knowle Manor.
In response to a Member’s comments regarding the provision of the Council’s residential care services more generally and the impact that these proposals would have, the Board received further details on this matter. It was noted that the Council’s provision of long-term residential care services was very small and underutilised. It was highlighted that the external market currently does not have sufficient supply of intermediate care provision, hence the proposal within the report that Dolphin Manor could be repurposed as an intermediate care facility.
Members received further details and context on the current occupancy levels at both Knowle Manor and Dolphin Manor and also on the processes and timeframes by which the Council had stopped the admission of long-term residents.
(a) That the closure of Knowle Manor care home be approved, and that once closed, the building be declared surplus to service requirements;
(b) That the repurposing of Dolphin Manor into a community care bed base (Recovery Hub), be approved;
(c) That following resolutions (a) and (b) above, the timeline for closure asset out at point 66 of the submitted report, be approved;
(d) That it be noted that the Director of Adults and Health is responsible for the implementation of the resolutions above.
(Under the provisions of Council Procedure Rule 16.5, Councillor A Lamb required it to be recorded that he abstained from voting on the decisions referred to within this minute)
Wards affected: Morley South; Rothwell;
Lead officer: Shona McFarlane
Decision Maker: Director of Strategy and Resources
Decision published: 26/07/2024
Effective from:
a) Approved the award of a contract to
Services Machinery & Trucks Ltd in the sum of £290,715
for the supply of a replacement Loading Shovel with repair and
maintenance under the approved Vehicle Replacement Programme
2023/24 for a period of 6 years from 8th August 2024 to 7th August
b) Recognised that both Appendix 1 – Evaluation Matrix
(Confidential) and Appendix 2 – Pricing Schedule
(Confidential) should be designated exempt from publication in
accordance with information procedure rule 10.4(3).
Wards affected: (All Wards);
Lead officer: Mandy Snaith
Decision Maker: Director of Strategy and Resources
Decision published: 26/07/2024
Effective from:
The decision maker has approved the
recommendations set out in the report attached.
Wards affected: Little London and Woodhouse;
Lead officer: Craig Simpson
Decision Maker: Director of City Development
Decision published: 26/07/2024
Effective from:
The Chief Officer (Highways and
Transportation) was requested to:
a. Note the detail of the highway works described in outline in
paragraph 3 of this report and shown on plan
151666-TRA-E2-NHM-DRG-D-HW-001132 Rev P04.3 attached at Appendix
b. Give authority to negotiate the terms of and enter into an
agreement with the developer under the provisions of Section 278 of
the Highways Act 1980; whereby the works associated with the
development are carried out by the developer and overseen by the
c. Give authority to incur expenditure of £10000 TRO costs
and £5000 staff checking and inspection fees to be fully
funded by a developer through a Section 278 Agreement.
d. Approve with reference to powers contained in Section 65 (1) and
(2) of the Highways Act alterations to the existing bridleway track
for shared use by pedestrians, pedal cycles, and horses including
widening and a raised table crossing, maintaining its bridleway
status with appropriate signage as shown on drawing no.
151666-TRA-E2-NHM-DRG-D-HW-001132 Rev P04.3.
Wards affected: Burmantofts and Richmond Hill;
Lead officer: Catherine Kimuli
Decision Maker: Director of City Development
Decision published: 26/07/2024
Effective from:
The Chief Officer (Highways and
Transportation) approved the recommendation to award Calverley
Footbridge to John Sisk and Son Ltd on the basis that the project
will not proceed to the construction phase unless the agreed costs
are within budget.
Wards affected: (All Wards);
Lead officer: Megan Chamberlain
Decision Maker: Director of Communities, Housing & Environment
Decision published: 26/07/2024
Effective from: 26/07/2024
The decision maker has approved the
recommendations set out in the report attached
Wards affected: (All Wards);
Lead officer: Susan Duckworth
Decision Maker: Director of Strategy and Resources
Decision published: 26/07/2024
Effective from: 26/07/2024
The decision maker has approved the
recommendations set out in the report attached.
Wards affected: Temple Newsam;
Lead officer: Craig Simpson
Decision Maker: Director of Strategy and Resources
Decision published: 26/07/2024
Effective from: 26/07/2024
The decision maker has approved the
recommendations set out in the report attached.
Wards affected: Temple Newsam;
Lead officer: Craig Simpson
Approval to procure new Source to Contract technology to replace the Council’s current system and to recruit four members of staff to existing posts in Procurement and Commercial Services.
Decision Maker: Director of Strategy and Resources
Decision published: 25/07/2024
Effective from: 10/08/2024
The decision maker has approved the recommendations set out in the report attached
Wards affected: (All Wards);
Lead officer: Louis Price
Decision Maker: Director of Children and Families
Decision published: 23/07/2024
Effective from:
See attached report.
Wards affected: (All Wards);
Lead officer: Vicky Fuggles
Decision Maker: Director of Children and Families
Decision published: 21/07/2024
Effective from:
The Director of Children & Families agreed
a) Accepted the proposed levels of expenditure as outlined in this
report to ensure that the allocated funding for Children’s
Services meets the grant criteria to support vulnerable
b) Agreed the amounts per expenditure allows for support to our
most vulnerable groups and to ensure that the funding is
appropriately utilised and spent within the allowable grant
criteria provided by Government.
Lead officer: Helen Binns
To seek approval to incur revenue expenditure necessary to the operation of the children’s residential home; and to establish and recruit to necessary associated staffing structures.
Decision Maker: Director of Children and Families
Decision published: 19/07/2024
Effective from: 06/08/2024
The decision maker has approved the recommendations set out in the report attached.
Wards affected: Morley South;
Lead officer: Ben Finley
Authority to procure and award a contract for the Virtual School Personalised One to One Tuition for Children Looked After and Children with Complex Needs (SEND).
Decision Maker: Director of Children and Families
Decision published: 19/07/2024
Effective from: 06/08/2024
The decision maker has approved the recommendations set out in the report attached.
Wards affected: (All Wards);
Lead officer: Howard Smith
Decision Maker: Director of Communities, Housing & Environment
Decision published: 19/07/2024
Effective from:
The decision maker has approved the
recommendations set out in the report attached.
In addition the decision maker approves the decisions set out
(Set out all necessary decisions to be taken by the decision taker
including exempt information, exemption from call in etc.)
Appendix 1 of the attached report shall be designated exempt from
publications in accordance with Access to Information Procedure
Rule 10.4(3).
Wards affected: (All Wards);
Lead officer: Craig Simpson
Decision Maker: Director of Communities, Housing & Environment
Decision published: 19/07/2024
Effective from:
The Director of Communities, Housing &
Environment approved a change in opening hours within Community
Hubs and Libraries.
Wards affected: (All Wards);
Lead officer: Nick Hart
Approval to waive Contract Procedure Rules (CPRs) 9.1 and 9.2 and enter contract(s) by virtue of Regulation 32(9) of the Public Contract Regulations 2015 for the recruitment of specialist ICT resource formerly on the Digital and Information Service Temporary ICT Staff Framework Agreement.
Seeking to directly award seven contract(s) with recruitment agencies to continue to provide the specialist ICT resource to cover IDS BAU, until a new route to market can be put in place.
Decision Maker: Director of Strategy and Resources
Decision published: 12/07/2024
Effective from: 30/07/2024
Please see accompanying report
Wards affected: (All Wards);
Lead officer: Andrew Byrom
The report will set out the work that has been completed under the five year CRSTS package in years 1 and 2 and the remaining projects that will form the rest of the five year programme. The proposals detail the full allocation of the £8.6m, with some slight over programming included to ensure CRSTS Casualty Prevention Programme allocation is fully spent from the five year CRSTS. The projects contained in this programme have been developed through a number of studies.
These include the major Sites for Concern and Lengths for Concern, which have been produced annually since 1990 and have led to the design and delivery of the most successful road safety projects to date. The report summarises the annual Pedestrian Crossing Review which has informed the list of new crossings/upgrades. In addition it covers elements aligned to wider road safety initiatives such as safety cameras, education and speed limit requirements.
Decision Maker: Director of City Development
Decision published: 12/07/2024
Effective from: 30/07/2024
The Chief Officer Highways & Transportation agreed to:
i) Note the contents and recommendations of this report including the continued application of the innovative approach to road casualties looking beyond the traditional ‘sites’ and ‘lengths’ processes; and
ii) Note the increased focus on education and enforcement to support the traditional engineering programme; and
iii) Note the work undertaken over the 2023/24 financial year with respect to the previously approved casualty prevention programme; and
iv) Review and approve the updated five year programme of casualty prevention schemes (Appendix A) and give authority to commence any detailed design, consultation and implementation of the schemes described in Appendices B, C and E to this report; and
v) Give authority to incur expenditure of £5,587m for the remaining 3 year works programme of the 5 year CRSTS funding, comprising of £3,952m of new funding for 2024/45 financial year; and
vi) Note that spend to date for years 1 and 2 of this CRSTS programme (March 2024) is estimated at £3.013m. The remaining £5,587m funds will enable the delivery of the remaining 3 year programme of projects detailed in Appendix B, to conclude the five year £8.6m City Region Sustainable Transport Settlement; and
vii) Give authority to request the City Solicitor to draft and advertise any Traffic Regulation Orders (Movement Order, Waiting Restriction Order or Experimental Order) as required to address/ resolve the problems identified for each scheme as detailed in Appendix A, and if no valid objections are received, to make, seal and implement the Orders as advertised; and
viii) Approve with reference to the powers contained in Section 66(4) of the Highways Act 1980, that relevant lengths of footway proposed as cycle tracks (detailed in Appendix A) are removed and that following the removal of the footways, cycle tracks are constructed under the powers contained under the provisions of section 65(1) of the Highways Act 1980 for segregated or shared joint use by pedal cyclists and pedestrians; and
ix) Give authority to request the City Solicitor to draft and advertise a Notice under the provision of Section 90C of the Highways Act 1980 for the implementation of traffic calming as necessary to facilitate the listed schemes; and
x) Give authority to display notices on site under the provision of Section 23 of the Road Traffic Regulation Act 1984 to inform the public of the proposed formal pedestrian crossings and respond to any communications received in this regard as appropriate; and
xi) To receive such other and further reports as may be required to address any objections received to advertised notices or other matters arising from the detailed scheme proposals; and
xii) Note that reports will be submitted on an annual basis over the course of the CRSTS settlement to detail progress made against the five year programme and any proposed amendments to the list of approved projects.
Wards affected: (All Wards);
Lead officer: Nicholas Hunt
Brief Description |
Since 2017 Leeds City Council and Leeds Community Healthcare NHS Trust have been jointly providing short term recovery and rehabilitation beds (Recovery Hubs) based in three LCC care home locations. These services are provided city wide and as part of a contract with the Integrated Commissioning Board (ICB). The wider short term recovery and rehabilitation beds contract has been reviewed and a new service specification has been developed by the ICB. The tender process for the new Community Care bed contract will commence on 10.06.24 with a submission date of 26.07.24. This report seeks permission from the Director of Adults and Health jointly bid for the contract. |
Impact On Wards |
The service is provided city wide |
Financial and procurement implications |
This is a refresh of an existing contract; total values to be determined by ICB |
Partnership working |
Joint decision to be taken by Adults and Health and Leeds Community Healthcare NHS Trust separately |
Decision Maker: Director of Adults and Health
Decision published: 11/07/2024
Effective from: 27/07/2024
The Director of Adults and Health has –
a) Granted approval for Leeds City Council's Adults and Health Directorate to respond to the Integrated Care Board Short-term Community Beds in Leeds tender process in partnership with Leeds Community Healthcare NHS Trust.
b) Noted that - due to the current budget value of the current Short Term Community Beds (Recovery Hubs) and potential future significant value / income, this is a Key Decision and any update reports on the outcome of the bid submission, will be direct consequences of this key decision.
c) Noted that - the Deputy Director for Social Work and Social Care Services will be responsible for implementation.
Wards affected: (All Wards);
Lead officer: Shona McFarlane
To approve the commencement of the Traffic Regulation Order (TRO) procedure to introduce charging and enforcing payment via Penalty Charge Notices at Golden Acre Park, Middleton Park Bike Hub, Otley Chevin Forest Park, Roundhay Park and Temple Newsam and to approve the introduction of 2 hour maximum stay at Oakwood Clock car park."
Decision Maker: Director of Communities, Housing & Environment
Decision published: 11/07/2024
Effective from: 27/07/2024
The Chief Officer, Elections and Regulatory, the Chief Officer, Climate, Energy and Green Spaces and Chief Officer, Highways and Transportation :
a) noted the contents of this report and approved the introduction of car parking charges at Golden Acre Park, Middleton Park Bike Hub, Otley Chevin Forest Park, Roundhay Park and Temple Newsam, and approved the introduction of 2 hour maximum stay at Oakwood Clock car park.
b) noted, subject to the Parking Places Order being sealed and made, that the Chief Officer, Elections and Regulatory is delegated to operate the off-street car parking and associated decriminalisation and issuing of parking contravention notices.
Please see accompanying report
Wards affected: Various;
Lead officer: Sonya McDonald
Decision Maker: Director of Children and Families
Decision published: 16/01/2024
Effective from: 19/07/2024
The National Adoption Strategic Lead approved
the proposals in delegated decision report for the Council to vary
3 cooperation agreements with Regional Adoption Agencies (RAA) for
a total value of £115,000 of additional funding to further
support the adoption matching services from the period 01/04/2024 -
Lead officer: Kasim Mahmood