Forthcoming Key Decisions

This page lists the key decisions due to be taken within Leeds City Council over the next few months. Details of each key decision will be published below at least 28 clear days before the decision is due to be taken

What is a 'Key Decision'?

A key decision is an executive decision which is likely to:

  • result in the Authority incurring expenditure or making savings over £500,000, or
  • have a significant effect on communites living or working in an area comprising one or more wards.
  • Article 13 of the Council's Constitution provides more details about which decisions will be treated as key decisions.

    How to get more information about a particular key decision

    The agenda papers for Executive Board meetings, and the documents being considered by officers taking key decisions, are available five working days before the decision will be made through the Council's website.

    The contact details of a lead officer are provided for each key decision listed below. Please contact the lead officer directly if you wish to obtain copies or extracts of any other listed documents, or if you wish to receive details of further documents as they become available. Sometimes the papers you request may contain exempt of confidential information. If this is the case, the lead officer will explain why it will not be possible to make copies available.

    Forthcoming Key Decisions

    27/09/2024 - Facilities Data Management (FDM) Printing Contract

    FDM (Facilities Data Management) provide a specialist bulk printing and posting solution which supports Council Tax, Benefits, and other services. HiMail is the digital component to enable the electronic sending of print jobs to the bulk printing supplier.

    The current contract ends 31/03/2025. A new contract is required to continue to support Revenues and Benefits printing as well picking up facilitating Sundry and Income printing in line with developments to this service area through the Core Business Transformation (CBT).

    The cost of the new contract is expected to be in the region of £550k/ £575k per annum. The contract length to be requested is 3 years. This would support ongoing business transformation across the service.

    Decision Maker: Interim Assistant Chief Executive (Finance, Traded & Resources)

    Decision due date: Not before 28/10/2024

    Wards affected: (All Wards);

    Lead officer: Mark Amson

    Notice of decision: 27/09/2024

    24/09/2024 - New Children's Residential Provision Phase 2

    Decision Maker: Director of Children and Families

    Decision due date: Not before 23/10/2024

    Wards affected: (All Wards);

    Lead officer: Ben Finley

    Notice of decision: 24/09/2024

    24/09/2024 - Approval to undertake an external procurement exercise to appoint a consultant to carry out Stock Condition Surveys to domestic properties

    Decision Maker: Director of Communities, Housing & Environment

    Decision due date: Not before 23/10/2024

    Wards affected: (All Wards);

    Lead officer: Adam Crampton

    Notice of decision: 24/09/2024

    20/09/2024 - To Seek Authority to Procure a Contract, Framework or Arrangement for the Supply of Fresh Fruit and Vegetables

    To give approval to procure a contract, framework or arrangement for the supply of fresh fruit and vegetables

    Decision Maker: Director of Strategy and Resources

    Decision due date: Not before 21/10/2024

    Wards affected: (All Wards);

    Lead officer: Mandy Snaith

    Notice of decision: 20/09/2024

    20/09/2024 - Holbeck Connector Scheme

    Approval for a £1.9m active travel scheme along Whitehall Road between Spence Lane and Riverside Way funded using Active Travel England grant funding.

    Decision Maker: Director of City Development

    Decision due date: Not before 19/10/2024

    Wards affected: Beeston and Holbeck; Hunslet and Riverside;

    Lead officer: David O'Donoghue

    Notice of decision: 20/09/2024

    20/09/2024 - Zurich Municipal (ZM) - New Two-Year Main Insurance Programme Long Term Agreement with effect from 01.04.25 to 31 03 27

    To enter into a new two year Long term Agreement with LCC’s Main Insurance Programme provider (Zurich Municipal) to cover the period 01.04.25 to 31 03 27

    Decision Maker: Director of Strategy and Resources

    Decision due date: Not before 21/10/2024

    Wards affected: (All Wards);

    Lead officer: Lee J Allen

    Notice of decision: 20/09/2024