
Details of officer decisions relating to planning applications.

Decisions published

05/02/2025 - Authority to Procure a Source to Contract Solution replacing the Council’s current electronic tendering platform. ref: 57934    Recommendations Approved

Decision Maker: Director of Strategy and Resources

Decision published: 05/02/2025

Effective from:


The decision maker has approved the recommendations set out in the report attached with effect from the decision date.

Wards affected: (All Wards);

Lead officer: Louis Price

05/02/2025 - Land and Property Search Service fees for 2025-26 ref: 57933    Recommendations Approved

Decision Maker: Director of Communities, Housing & Environment

Decision published: 05/02/2025

Effective from:


The decision maker intends to approve the recommendations set out in the report attached with effect from the decision date

Wards affected: (All Wards);

Lead officer: Gareth Moore

04/02/2025 - Council Housing Growth Programme: Single Homelessness Accommodation Programme (SHAP) Property purchases [Batch 03] ref: 57932    Recommendations Approved

Decision Maker: Director of City Development

Decision published: 04/02/2025

Effective from:


The decision maker has approved the recommendations set out in the report attached.

Wards affected: Bramley and Stanningley; Hunslet and Riverside; Killingbeck and Seacroft; Little London and Woodhouse; Morley South; Pudsey;

Lead officer: Tia Nicholson Johnson

04/02/2025 - The Examination of the Thorner Neighbourhood Plan ref: 57931    Recommendations Approved

Decision Maker: Chief Planning Officer

Decision published: 04/02/2025

Effective from:


The decision maker has approved the recommendations set out in the report attached with effect from the decision date.

Wards affected: Harewood;

Lead officer: Kwame Steadman

03/02/2025 - Purchase Order Authorisation for Biodiversity Net Gain associated with planning reference 21/01505/FU ref: 57930    Recommendations Approved

Decision Maker: Chief Planning Officer

Decision published: 03/02/2025

Effective from:


The decision maker intends to approve the recommendations set out in the report attached with effect from the decision date.

Wards affected: Killingbeck and Seacroft; Roundhay;

Lead officer: Victoria Hinchliff-Walker

03/02/2025 - Westminster Buildings, New York Street, LS2 ref: 57929    Recommendations Approved

Decision Maker: Director of City Development

Decision published: 03/02/2025

Effective from:


The decision maker has approved the recommendations set out in the report attached with effect from the decision date.

Wards affected: Little London and Woodhouse;

Lead officer: Naomi Fenwick-Goldthorpe

29/01/2025 - Council Housing Growth Programme: Single Homelessness Accommodation Programme (SHAP) Property Purchases – Batch 02 ref: 57928    Recommendations Approved

Decision Maker: Director of City Development

Decision published: 29/01/2025

Effective from:


The decision maker has approved the recommendations set out in the report attached.

Wards affected: Moortown;

Lead officer: Tia Nicholson Johnson

28/01/2025 - Council Housing Growth Programme (CHGP): Approval to enter into a NEC4 Engineering and Construction Contract with Morgan Sindall Construction & Infrastructure Limited (MSC) for the Construction of Extra Care Housing at Middlecross Armley ref: 57926    Recommendations Approved

Decision Maker: Director of City Development

Decision published: 28/01/2025

Effective from:


The Chief Officer Asset Management & Regeneration has approved the recommendations in the attached report.

Wards affected: Armley;

Lead officer: Liam Brook

29/01/2025 - Otley Bridge Cantilever Footway Pedestrian Management ref: 57927    Recommendations Approved

Decision Maker: Director of City Development

Decision published: 28/01/2025

Effective from: 29/01/2025


The Chief Officer (Highways and Transportation) has approved the removal of two trees in Tittybottle Park as outlined in the attached statement.

Wards affected: Otley and Yeadon;

Lead officer: Robert Ingall

03/02/2025 - Middlecross Extra Care Scheme - Update Position and Approval to inject £1,300,000 of Government Grant Funding into the Council Housing Growth Programme for the Middlecross Project ref: 57924    

This report will provide an update position on the Middlecross Extra Care Scheme and seek Approval to enter into a Brownfield Housing Fund Grant Agreement with West Yorkshire Combined Authority (WYCA) for a £1,300,000 of grant funding to support the delivery of New Build Council Housing at Middlecross, Armley.

Subsequently, a further decision report (Publishable Admin) will also be prepared recommending entering into an NEC4 Engineering and Construction Contract with Morgan Sindall Construction & Infrastructure Ltd via the SCAPE Consultancy Built Environment framework for the construction of 65 new extra care apartments in the Armley Ward.

Decision Maker: Director of City Development

Decision published: 24/01/2025

Effective from: 11/02/2025


The decision maker has approved the recommendations set out in the report attached with effect from the decision date.


Wards affected: Armley;

Lead officer: Liam Brook

03/02/2025 - Leeds City Bikes Change Request - Approval for the injection of funding into Leeds City Council's Capital Programme ref: 57923    

a)  To give authority to inject £1,117,700 into Leeds City Council’s Capital Programmes for the procurement and implementation of enhancements to the Leeds City Bikes scheme from the West Yorkshire Combined Authority’s Transforming Cities Fund (TCF).


b)  To give authority to sign and seal the Deed of Variation (DoV) on the existing Grant Funding Agreement (GFA) with West Yorkshire Combined Authority for Leeds City Bikes from the Transforming Cities Fund - £1,117,700 to be fully spent by the end of June 2026.


c)  To give authority to spend the additional grant funding in line with the contract with Smidsy Ltd, trading as Beryl.


Decision Maker: Director of City Development

Decision published: 24/01/2025

Effective from: 11/02/2025


The decision maker has approved the recommendations set out in the report attached with effect from the decision date.


Wards affected: Armley; Beeston and Holbeck; Burmantofts and Richmond Hill; Chapel Allerton; Farnley and Wortley; Gipton and Harehills; Headingley and Hyde Park; Hunslet and Riverside; Killingbeck and Seacroft; Kirkstall; Little London and Woodhouse; Moortown; Roundhay; Weetwood;

Lead officer: Chris Kirby

23/01/2025 - Disposal of Former Bethany Hall, Myers Croft, Otley ref: 57922    Recommendations Approved

Decision Maker: Director of City Development

Decision published: 23/01/2025

Effective from:


The decision maker has approved the recommendations set out in the report attached with effect from the decision date.

Wards affected: Otley and Yeadon;

Lead officer: Adam Dent-Leitch

30/01/2025 - Facilities Data Management (FDM) Printing Contract ref: 57921    For Determination

FDM (Facilities Data Management) provide a specialist bulk printing and posting solution which supports Council Tax, Benefits, and other services. HiMail is the digital component to enable the electronic sending of print jobs to the bulk printing supplier.

The current contract ends 31/03/2025. A new contract is required to continue to support Revenues and Benefits printing as well picking up facilitating Sundry and Income printing in line with developments to this service area through the Core Business Transformation (CBT).

The cost of the new contract is expected to be in the region of £550k/ £575k per annum. The contract length to be requested is 3 years. This would support ongoing business transformation across the service.

Decision Maker: Director of Strategy and Resources

Decision published: 22/01/2025

Effective from: 07/02/2025


The decision maker intends to approve the recommendations set out in the report attached with effect from the decision date.


Wards affected: (All Wards);

Lead officer: Mark Amson

29/01/2025 - Council Housing Growth Programme - Property Acquisitions Batch 108 ref: 57917    Recommendations Approved

Decision Maker: Director of City Development

Decision published: 20/01/2025

Effective from: 29/01/2025


The decision maker has approved the recommendations set out in the report attached with effect from the decision date.

Wards affected: Bramley and Stanningley; Farnley and Wortley;

Lead officer: Emily Crawshaw-Clarke

29/01/2025 - The Variation Order for Morley Footpath 12 and Bridleway 157 at Pitty Close, Drighligton ref: 57912    Recommendations Approved

Decision Maker: Director of Communities, Housing & Environment

Decision published: 17/01/2025

Effective from: 29/01/2025


The Parks Technical Manager has approved the request to authorise the City Solicitor:

to make and advertise a Public Path Variation Order in accordance with Section 333(7) of the Town and Country Planning Act 1990, in respect of the parts of Morley Footpath No. 12 and Morley Bridleway No. 157 as shown on Background Papers A and B.


to confirm the Order, subject to there being no objections or in the event of objections which cannot be withdrawn, for the order to be referred to the Secretary of State, Department of the Environment, Food and Rural Affairs for determination.

Wards affected: Morley North;

Lead officer: Charlotte Hamer

27/01/2025 - Leeds Industrial Museum ref: 57911    

Following the successful application for Arts Council England partnership funding, the MEND scheme for Leeds Industrial Museum has been developed and is due for construction starting early September 2024. The works have been designed to work in conjunction with the newly completed Flood Alleviation Scheme that completes Mid-August 2024.

The works will see the construction of a new Locomotive storage shed as well as a series of other maintenance repairs including doors, windows, stonework repair and electrical improvements.

Additional works have also been included such as the removal and replacement of a large Asbestos roof, which will be funded via CPM as this will provide best value for money in reducing procurement costs.

Decision Maker: Director of City Development

Decision published: 17/01/2025

Effective from: 04/02/2025


The decision maker has approved the recommendations set out in the report attached with effect from the decision date.


Wards affected: Armley;

Lead officer: Darren Dobson

23/01/2025 - Approval to procure a new contract for the provision of postal goods and services for Leeds City Council. ref: 57904    

Permission is to be sought to procure a new contract for 2 years with the option to extend for two further 12 month periods.

Decision Maker: Director of Strategy and Resources

Decision published: 15/01/2025

Effective from: 31/01/2025


The decision maker has approved the recommendations set out in the report attached with effect from the decision date.


Wards affected: (All Wards);

Lead officer: Claudine Dawson

29/01/2025 - Housing Act 1985 Proposed Compulsory Purchase Order 19 Croft House Grove, Morley, Leeds, LS27 8PA ref: 57855    Recommendations Approved

Decision Maker: Director of Communities, Housing & Environment

Decision published: 12/12/2024

Effective from: 29/01/2025


The decision maker has approved the recommendations set out in the report attached.

Wards affected: Morley North;

Lead officer: Andrew Rowley

30/01/2025 - Council Housing Growth Programme:82 New homes at Hough Top Court Site ref: 57802    Recommendations Approved

Decision Maker: Director of City Development

Decision published: 19/11/2024

Effective from: 30/01/2025


As set out in the attached report

Wards affected: Pudsey;

Lead officer: Liam Brook