Issue details

Approval to extend and grant new ice cream / refreshment concession licences.

Approval is requested to extend concession licences for 12 months in line with signed agreements and within overall licence periods.


For concession licences that are due to expire on 31st March 2025 and for new sites that have been identified, approval is requested to tender the opportunities and award new licences to the successful bidders. The licence period is 12 months with options to extend for a further 12 months on up to three occasions, subject to performance.


The overall value of the income received through this process (including extensions) has the potential to be over £500k overall.

Decision type: Key Decision

Reason Key: Financial Impact>£500K;

Decision status: For Determination

Wards affected: (All Wards);

Notice of proposed decision first published: 29/10/2024

Decision due: Not before 27th Nov 2024 by Director of Communities, Housing & Environment

Lead director: Director of Communities, Housing & Environment

Department: Communities, Housing and Environment

Contact: Andrew Culloden 0113 3780855 Email:

Consultation process

Consultation with ward members for new concession sites and ongoing liaison with stakeholders as part of the licence monitoring process.


Relevant ward members



  • A report to the decision maker