Issue details

Re-procurement of the Over the Counter Payment Services contract which enables Leeds City Council to receive income via over the counter payment methods

Re-procurement of the Over the Counter Payment Services contract which enables Leeds City Council to receive income via over the counter methods. The value of the contract over 4 years depends on levels of activity but is approximately £900K. The services are required to enable the council to continue to collect revenue through 3rd parties such as Post Offices and Paypoint where the public can continue to make cash and cheque payments at nil cost to the member of the public. Although the number of transactions through these methods has decreased recently, they remain a means of payment for a substantial number of residents. Continuity of Bill Payment Services continues to be essential. 

Decision type: Key Decision

Reason Key: Financial Impact>£500K;

Decision status: For Determination

Wards affected: (All Wards);

Notice of proposed decision first published: 29/01/2025

Decision due: Not before 27th Feb 2025 by Director of Strategy and Resources

Lead director: Director of Strategy and Resources

Department: Strategy and Resources

Contact: Robin Thornton, Senior Financial Manager 0113 37 89394 Email:

Consultation process

The proposed procurement approach is to use the framework agreement RM1557.14. This GClould 14 agreement was issued at the end of October 24 and use of the agreement is subject to review of the terms and conditions by Procurement.



  • A report to the decision maker