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Akhtar, Councillor Javaid Akh
Alderson, Councillor Paul Ald
Ali, Councillor Asghar Ali
Ali, Councillor Mothin Ali
Ali, Councillor Shaf Ali
Almass, Councillor Gohar Alma
Anderson, Councillor Barry An
Anderson, Councillor Caroline
Arif, Councillor Salma Arif
Bithell, Councillor Hannah Bi
Blackburn, Councillor David B
Bowden, Councillor Jordan Bow
Bromley, Councillor Emmie Bro
Brooks, Councillor Kayleigh B
Brown, Councillor Simon Brown
Bruce, Councillor Karen Bruce
Buckley, Councillor Lyn Buckl
Buckley, Councillor Neil Buck
Burke, Councillor Sharon Burk
Campbell, Councillor Colin Ca
Carlill, Councillor Peter Car
Carlisle, Councillor Ed Carli
Carter, Councillor Andrew Car
Carter, Councillor Amanda Car
Chapman, Councillor Diane Cha
Chesterfield, Councillor Rob
Cohen, Councillor Dan Cohen
Coupar, Councillor Debra Coup
Cunningham, Councillor Lou Cu
Cunningham, Councillor Lou Cu
Dixon, Councillor Wayne Dixon
Dobson, Councillor Mark Dobso
Downes, Councillor Ryk Downes
Dowson, Councillor Jane Dowso
Dye, Councillor Katie Dye
Edwards, Councillor Oliver Ed
Farley, Councillor Luke Farle
Field, Councillor Sarah Field
Finnigan, Councillor Robert F
Firth, Councillor Sam Firth
Flint, Councillor Emma Flint
Flynn, Councillor Billy Flynn
Forsaith, Councillor Ann Fors
Foster, Councillor Mike Foste
France-Mir, Councillor Mahali
Garthwaite, Councillor Al Gar
Garvani, Councillor John Garv
Gettings, Councillor Bob Gett
Gibson, Councillor James Gibs
Golton, Councillor Stewart Go
Goodall, Councillor Tim Gooda
Grahame, Councillor Pauleen G
Gruen, Councillor Caroline Gr
Haigh, Councillor Kate Haigh
Hamilton, Councillor Sharon H
Hannan, Councillor Abdul Hann
Harland, Councillor Mary Harl
Harrand, Councillor Peter Har
Harrington, Councillor Norma
Hart-Brooke, Councillor Conra
Hayden, Councillor Helen Hayd
Heselwood, Councillor Julie H
Hinchcliffe, Councillor Tom H
Holroyd, Councillor Stephen H
Howley, Councillor Chris Howl
Hussain, Councillor Arif Huss
Hussain, Councillor Zara Huss
Hutchison, Councillor Andy Hu
Illingworth, Councillor John
Iqbal, Councillor Mohammed Iq
Jenkins, Councillor David Jen
Jones, Councillor Raymond Jon
Khan, Councillor Asghar Khan
Kidger, Councillor Wyn Kidger
Lamb, Councillor Alan Lamb
Lay, Councillor Sandy Lay
Leighton, Councillor Sonia Le
Lennox, Councillor Jessica Le
Lewis, Councillor James Lewis
Lloyd, Councillor Nicole Lloy
Maloney, Councillor Annie Mal
Manaka, Councillor Nkele Mana
Maqsood, Councillor Kamila Ma
Marshall-Katung, Councillor A
Martin, Councillor Lisa Marti
McCluskey, Councillor Adrian
McCormack, Councillor Suzanne
McKenna, Councillor James McK
Midgley, Councillor Mirelle M
Millar, Councillor Michael Mi
Mulherin, Councillor Lisa Mul
Newton, Councillor Oliver New
Parnham, Councillor Andy Parn
Pogson-Golden, Councillor Emm
Pryor, Councillor Jonathan Pr
Rae, Councillor Adele Rae
Rafique, Councillor Mohammed
Ragan, Councillor Denise Raga
Renshaw, Councillor Karen Ren
Richards, Councillor Linda Ri
Ritchie, Councillor Kevin Rit
Robinson, Councillor Matthew
Rontree, Councillor Andy Ront
Scopes, Councillor Andrew Sco
Seary, Councillor Dawn Seary
Seary, Councillor Simon Seary
Senior, Councillor Jane Senio
Sewards, Councillor Mark Sewa
Shahzad, Councillor Mohammed
Shemilt, Councillor Jackie Sh
Smart, Councillor Alice Smart
Smith, Councillor Trish Smith
Stables, Councillor Penny Sta
Stephenson, Councillor Ryan S
Taylor, Councillor Eileen Tay
Thomson, Councillor Eleanor T
Timmins, Councillor Craig Tim
Truswell, Councillor Paul Tru
Tudor, Councillor John Tudor
Venner, Councillor Fiona Venn
Wadsworth, Councillor Paul Wa
Wilson, Councillor Izaak Wils
Wray, Councillor Paul Wray
Registered gifts and hospitalities
20/09/2024 - The Sound of Revival Conference offered by Was provided by Councillor Victoria Bamisile City Councillor on behalf of Stantonbury Ward - Labour Group - Milton Keynes City Council; No value was know for this gift it was held at the Leeds Arena
18/09/2024 - A Raisin in the Sun offered by Leeds Playhouse; 2 Tickets £15 each ; Value £30