Decision details

Highways Infrastructure Maintenance Programmes (Roads) 2024-25

Reference: D57325

Decision Maker: Director of City Development

Is Key decision?: Yes

Is subject to call in?: Yes


To approve the programme of planned highways asset maintenance works (Roads) for the 2024/25 financial year and give authority to incur expenditure linked to these works.


The Chief Officer (Highways and Transportation);

a) gave authority to incur expenditure of £28,961,043 (£24,543,257 works costs and £4,417,786 staff) funded from the 2024/25 City Region Sustainable Transport Settlement (£14,506,243) Network North Funding (£1,454,800) and Leeds City Council Capital Resources (£13,000,000);

b) approved the addition of the schemes listed in appendix B to this report into the Highways Infrastructure Maintenance Programmes 2024/25.

Reason Key: Financial Impact>£500K;

Wards Affected: (All Wards);

Other reasons / organisations consulted

Ward Councillors through an emailed consultation and face to face (as requested) meetings and Town and Parish are consulted on an annual basis, this is then used to assist and inform the decisions taken regarding which streets are included within the annual works programme, and any further streets which may be selected to spend any additional funding, such as Pothole funding which may be received throughout the year. This year the consultation was carried out between 14 July 2023 and 01 September 2023.

Confirmation on the outcome of the consultation and any changes to the programmes were sent out on 20 December 2023.

The Executive Member for Sustainable Development and Infrastructure was provided with a written brief on 29 December 2023 and a further update will be provided, as required to the Executive Member on 01 February 2024.


Executive Member for Sustainable Development & Infrastructure

All 99 ward members

All Town and Parish Councils.

Contact: Richard Hobson 0113 378 7318 Email:

Publication date: 27/03/2024

Date of decision: 08/04/2024

Effective from: 16/04/2024

Accompanying Documents: