Agenda and minutes

South (Inner) Area Committee - Monday, 25th June, 2007 6.30 pm

Venue: Watsonia Pavillion, Cross Flatts Park, Beeston, Leeds, LS11

Contact: Gerard Watson (0113) 247 4325 

No. Item


Election of Chair pdf icon PDF 41 KB

To elect a Chair for the 2007/2008 municipal year


(Council Function)

(2.5 mins presentation/2.5 mins discussion)



A report was submitted by the Chief Democratic Service Officer which outlined the arrangements for the annual election of Chair of the South (Inner) Area Committee. It was reported that one nomination for the position of Chair had been received on behalf of Councillor Gabriel.



(a). That the report and information appended to the report be noted;

(b). That following a unanimous vote by those Elected Members present at the meeting, Councillor Gabriel be elected Chair of the South (Inner) Area Committee for the 2007/2008 municipal year.


(Councillor Gabriel took the Chair)



Chair's Opening Remarks


The Chair welcomed all in attendance to the first South (Inner) Area  Committee meeting of the new municipal year.



Declarations of Interest

To declare any personal/prejudicial interests for the purpose of Section 81(3) of the Local Government Act 2000 and paragraphs 8 to 12 of the Members Code of Conduct


The following declarations of interest were made at this point in the meeting:-


Councillor Ogilvie declared a personal interest in relation to agenda item 13, due to being Chair of the Management Committee of St. Matthew’s Community Centre, a personal interest in relation to agenda item 12, due to being a member of the ‘Beeston in Bloom’ and ‘Holbeck in Bloom’ organisations, and a personal interest in relation to agenda item 14, due to his involvement in the Beeston Festival Committee, Holbeck Gala Committee and ‘Holbeck in Bloom’ organisation (Minute Nos. 11, 10 and 12 refer respectively).


Councillor Congreve declared a personal interest in relation to agenda item 12, due to being a member of the ‘Beeston in Bloom’ organisation and a personal interest in relation to agenda item 14, due to his involvement in Cottingley Community Summer Fair (Minute Nos. 10 and 12 refer respectively).


Councillor Gabriel declared a personal interest in relation to agenda item 12, due to being a member of the ‘Beeston in Bloom’ and ‘Holbeck in Bloom’ organisations and due to being a member of the ‘Friends of Cross Flatts Park’ group. Councillor Gabriel also declared a personal interest in relation to agenda item 14, due to being a member of the ‘Holbeck in Bloom’ organisation (Minute Nos. 10 and 12 refer respectively).


Councillor Blake declared a personal interest in relation to agenda item 13, due to being a member of Belle Isle Foundation, and a personal interest in relation to agenda item 14, due to being a trustee of Belle Isle Family Centre and on the Board of Middleton Elderly Aid (Minute Nos. 11 and 12 refer respectively).


A further declaration of interest was made at a later point in the meeting (Minute No.11 refers).



Apologies for Absence

To receive any apologies for absence from the meeting



An apology for absence was received on behalf of Councillor E Nash.



Minutes of the Previous Meeting pdf icon PDF 45 KB

To confirm as a correct record the minutes of the previous meeting held on 26th March 2007



RESOLVED – That the minutes of the previous meeting held on 26th March 2007 be approved as a correct record.



Open Forum

In accordance with Paragraphs 6.24 and 6.25 of the Area Committee Procedure Rules, at the discretion of the Chair a period of up to 10 minutes may be allocated at each ordinary meeting for members of the public to make representations or to ask questions on matters within the terms of reference of the Area Committee.  This period of time may be extended at the discretion of the Chair.  No member of the public shall speak for more than three minutes in the Open Forum, except by permission of the Chair.


(10 mins discussion)



In accordance with paragraphs 6.24 and 6.25 of the Area Committee Procedure Rules, the Chair allowed a period of up to ten minutes for members of the public to make representations or to ask questions on matters within the terms of reference of the Area Committee.


Britain in Bloom

A representative of the Beeston in Bloom group advised the Committee that Leeds’ entry into the Britain in Bloom competition was to be judged on 2nd August 2007, and enquired whether all maintenance work scheduled to be undertaken throughout the inspection route would be completed prior to this date.


In response, the Committee was advised that although contractual obligations could mean that the work undertaken needed to adhere to set timescales, further information on this matter would be sought.


The Condition of Local Highways

A local resident raised concerns relating to the general condition of highways in Leeds, with specific reference being made to the drainage of all roads in the area, following the recent bad weather which had been experienced.


Following a question and answer session, the Area Manager undertook to pursue the issue of local road drainage and drain clearance with Yorkshire Water.


(Councillor Driver joined the meeting at 6.45 p.m. during the consideration of this item)



Local Authority Appointments to Outside Bodies pdf icon PDF 45 KB

To consider the attached report by the Chief Democratic Services Officer and to agree the nominations to those organisations which fall into the remit of this Area Committee


(Council Function)

(2.5 mins presentation/2.5 mins discussion)


Additional documents:


A report was submitted by the Chief Democratic Service Officer which outlined the procedure concerned with local authority appointments to outside bodies, and which also invited Members to consider making appointments to those outside bodies detailed within the report.


Having discussed several issues concerning local authority appointments to outside bodies, the Committee was advised that at the Chair’s request, Hunslet Hawks Rugby League Club had been contacted in relation to local authority representation, but noted that to date, no response had been received.



(a). That the report and the information appended to the report be noted;

(b). That in respect of the Outside Bodies listed in Appendix 2 of the report, approval be given to the following appointments being made for the 2007/2008 municipal year:


Belle Isle Elderly Winter Aid  G Driver

Belle Isle Tenant management Organisation (BITMO)  D Coupar

  J Blake

Holbeck Elderly Aid  A Gabriel

Middleton Elderly Aid  J Blake



Political Nominations to ALMO Area Panels pdf icon PDF 38 KB

To receive a report from the Strategic Landlord which requests the Area Committee to appoint two Ward Members, who are not part of the main ALMO Board, to the ALMO Inner South Area Panel


(Council Function)

(2.5 mins presentation/2.5 mins discussion)



Members received a report from the Strategic Landlord which requested the Committee to nominate two elected members, who were not already Directors on the South South East Homes Arms Length Management Organisation (ALMO) Board, to sit on the Inner South Leeds ALMO Area Panel.



(a). That the contents of the report be noted;

(b). That clarification be sought on whether the Chair could nominate the Committee’s representation on the Inner South Leeds ALMO Area Panel. If it was found that the Chair could not solely nominate the Committee’s representation, then the issue be resubmitted to the Area Committee’s next meeting for further consideration.



Area Delivery Plans and Area Function Schedules for 2007/08 pdf icon PDF 34 KB

To consider a report from the Director of Environment and Neighbourhoods which updates Members on the Committee’s Area Delivery Plan and Area Functions Schedules for 2007/08 following their submission to Executive Board in May 2007


(Executive Function)

(5 mins presentation/5 mins discussion)

Additional documents:


The Director of Environment and Neighbourhoods submitted a report which updated Members on the Committee’s Area Delivery Plan and the revised Area Function Schedules for 2007/08, both of which had recently been endorsed by Executive Board.


A copy of the relevant Executive Board report together with the updated Area Function Schedules were appended to the report for Members’ information.


Members raised several concerns regarding the level of resources which had been allocated to the Area Committee for the running of the delegated community centres within Inner South Leeds, when compared to the financial support which had been earmarked for other areas across the city. Members made enquiries into the criteria used to calculate such levels of support, highlighted the need for more equitable funding arrangements to be established, and emphasised the significant impact which could be felt if the centres’ current levels of income ever decreased.


In response, it was proposed that further information on the resources allocated to the Area Committee for the running of the delegated centres in Inner South Leeds could be sought and submitted to Members for consideration.


Following an enquiry into the procedures in place for acquiring new recycling banks, the Area Manager undertook to provide the Committee with further information on such procedures.



(a). That the report, and information appended to the report, including the report to Executive Board dated 16th May 2007, be noted;

(b). That Members’ concerns which relate to the proposed funding arrangements for the management of those community centres delegated to Area Committees be noted, and that further information on the criteria used to allocate such funding be sought and submitted to the Committee;

(c). That further information be sought and submitted to Members on the procedures established for acquiring new recycling banks in the area.



Parks and Countryside Area Committee Update Presentation pdf icon PDF 36 KB

To receive a report and presentation from the Chief Recreation Officer which updates Members on the work of the Parks and Countryside Service in the area


(Council Function)

(5 mins presentation/10 mins discussion)


Additional documents:


A report was submitted by the Chief Recreation Officer which updated Members on the work of the Parks and Countryside Service in the area.


Kevin Barker, Principal Parks Manager for South Leeds, and Vicky Nunns, Business Development Manager, both of Parks and Countryside, were in attendance to present the report and answer Members’ questions.


Having received a brief presentation of the information detailed within the report, a question and answer session ensued. The main areas of debate were as follows:-

·  In response to Members’ enquiries into the parks which had been nominated for Green Flag status, the Committee was advised that although applications for Green Flag status had been submitted for a select number of parks in Leeds, a similar, more cost effective standards procedure had been established for other parks throughout the city;

·  Members discussed the extent to which Parks and Countryside had contributed towards several of the initiatives detailed within the report;

·  Having made several enquiries into the financial implications for the City Council arising from its recent entry into the Chelsea Flower Show, the Committee extended its congratulations to all those who had been involved in the Council’s award winning entry;

·  Clarification was sought on several of the aspirations for Inner South Leeds which were detailed within the report;

·  Members made enquiries into the work to be undertaken in preparation for the inspection of Leeds’ entry into the ‘Britain in Bloom’ competition;

·  The Committee discussed the availability of facilities within Middleton Park, and the resources which were available to develop such facilities in the future;

·  Members considered the extent to which the proposals and aspirations detailed within the presentation were spread throughout all Wards within Inner South Leeds;

·  Members sought clarification on the additional £750,000.00 allocation of funding which had been announced, particularly in relation to how the money was proposed to be spent and the extent to which local Ward Members had been consulted on such proposals. In response, the Principal Parks Manager for South Leeds undertook to provide the Committee with information on how the additional funding had been allocated;

·  The role that Parks and Countryside could play in the establishment of the ‘Middleton in Bloom’ group;

·  The progress which had been made in relation to the proposed environmental improvements at Beggars Hill recreational ground;

·  The future plans for the temporary skate board track within the Middleton Park Ward.


RESOLVED – That the contents of the report and presentation be noted.


(Councillor Davey joined the meeting at 7.30 p.m. during the consideration of this item)



South Leeds Pricing and Lettings Policy for Community Centres pdf icon PDF 56 KB

To consider a report from the Director of Environment and Neighbourhoods which outlines a revised Pricing and Lettings Policy. The report also invites the Area Committee to endorse a three month consultation period on the policy with centre users and the wider community


(Executive Function)

(5 mins presentation/10 mins discussion)


Additional documents:


The Committee received a report from the Director of Environment and Neighbourhoods which invited Members to endorse a three month consultation period for a revised Pricing and Lettings Policy for those Community Centres which were directly managed by Leeds City Council.


Members discussed the various rates which had been proposed for the range of groups currently utilising the centres, made enquiries into how such rates would be determined and emphasised the potential impact that the revised policy could have on centres such as Belle Isle Foundation and Middleton Skills Centre.



(a). That the report and information appended to the report be noted;

(b). That a three month consultation period on the proposed lettings and pricing schedule to be conducted with centre users and the wider community be approved;

(c). That a report be submitted to the September meeting of the Area Committee outlining the final lettings and pricing policy proposed for those community centres which are directly managed by Leeds City Council;

(d). That the suggested implementation date of 1st October 2007 for the pricing and lettings policy be agreed.


(Councillor Driver declared a personal interest in relation to this item, due to being a Board Member of Belle Isle Foundation)


(Councillor Coupar left the meeting at 7.35 p.m. during the consideration of this item)



Area Committee Wellbeing Budget pdf icon PDF 97 KB

To receive a report from the Director of Environment and Neighbourhoods which updates Members on both the capital and revenue elements of the Committee’s Wellbeing budget, advises Members of the Small Grants approved since the last meeting and invites Members to determine the capital and revenue proposals, in addition to a Small Grant proposal, as detailed within the report


(Executive Function)

(5 mins presentation/15 mins discussion)


Additional documents:


The Director of Environment and Neighbourhoods submitted a report which updated Members on both the capital and revenue elements of the Committee’s Wellbeing budget, advised the Committee of the Small Grants approved since the last meeting and invited Members to determine the capital and revenue proposals, in addition to a Small Grants proposal, which had been submitted to the meeting for consideration.


Members noted the additional allocation of £50,000.00 revenue which had been made available to each Area Committee and was to be invested in conservation areas and car parking provision.


The Committee noted that the projected revenue balance of £55,364.00 for 2007/08 did not include the additional allocation of £50,000.00 or the proposals which had been submitted for determination to this meeting, but did take into consideration several ring fenced amounts of funding for Community Skips, Small Grants and Communication and Community Engagement. Members also learned that the Committee’s projected balance of Wellbeing revenue funding for 2008/09 was £78,922.00, based upon current and anticipated future spending plans.


Having noted the capital budget for 2007/08, Members views were sought on how they wished such funding to be allocated between all the three Wards.


Members then discussed the progress made in relation to several of the Small Grants proposals listed within the report, and considered the application which had been submitted by the Normandy Veterans Association.


Following a detailed discussion relating to the proposals for Wellbeing funding which had been submitted to the meeting for determination, it was



(a). That the report and information appended to the report, which includes the available balance of the Area Committee’s revenue and capital Wellbeing budgets, be noted;

(b). That the following decisions be made in relation to the ring fencing of Wellbeing Revenue funding from the Area Committee’s 2007/08 Wellbeing budget:-

(i). Community Skips - £7,500.00 revenue – Approved;

(ii). Small Grants - £20,000.00 revenue – Approved;

(iii). Communication and Community Engagement - £7,500.00 revenue – Approved;

(c). That the revised Wellbeing revenue balance of £55,364.00 for 2007/08 (which does not include an additional £50,000.00 allocated for car parking and conservation areas), following the approval of several ring fenced amounts for the funding of Community Skips, Small Grants and Communication and Community Engagement, be noted;

(d). That the Wellbeing capital budget of £109,359.00 for 2007/08 be noted, and that an equal split of £36,453.00 to each Ward from the 2007/08 allocation, in addition to the remaining balance from each Ward from 2004/07, be approved;

(e). That £12,100.00 - £28,300.00 additional Wellbeing funding for phase 2 of the binyard improvements scheme be approved, and that the final details of the initiative’s expenditure be delegated to officers with such expenditure being confirmed with City and Hunslet Ward Councillors;

(f). That the Small Grants proposals which have been approved since the last meeting of the Area Committee be noted;

(g). That following the receipt of further information about the Small Grants proposal entitled, ‘Memorial Plaque’ from the Normandy Veterans Association, particularly in relation  ...  view the full minutes text for item 12.


Area Manager's Update Report pdf icon PDF 81 KB

To receive a report from the Director of Environment and Neighbourhoods which provides Members with details of the range of activities currently taking place within the Inner South area of Leeds


(Executive Function)

(5 mins presentation/15 mins discussion)


Additional documents:


The Committee received a report from the Director of Environment and Neighbourhoods which detailed of the range of activities currently taking place within the Inner South area of Leeds.


Having noted that several clean up operations led by Streetscene Services Environmental Pride Team in partnership with other agencies had recently been carried out, Members were invited to notify the Area Management Team of any areas within their Ward which they considered appropriate for future clean up operations.


In relation to the Mobile Youth Provision, the Committee noted the proposed improvements to the service agreement with St. Luke’s Cares. Members were then invited to advise the Area Management Team of their preference regarding the frequency of the Youth Bus visiting locations within their Ward.  The options detailed within the report were, option 1: weekly visits to a few locations, option 2: fortnightly visits to several locations, or option 3: the decision could be left to the Youth Bus co-ordinator, based on past experience and local knowledge.


Having considered the proposed use of the vehicle by St. Luke’s Cares for its own projects during the bus’s downtime, it was suggested that a further report, specifically addressing this issue could be submitted to a future meeting of the Committee by the Area Manager.


Members received an update on Neighbourhood Warden provision in the area and noted the budgetary constraints currently being experienced in this field. Taking the current financial situation into account, the Committee considered several options in respect of how Neighbourhood Warden provision could be delivered in the area whilst relevant funding arrangements remained unconfirmed. 


Having considered the suitability of several venues for future meetings which had been proposed, the Committee was invited to identify any alternative venues within their Ward which they deemed appropriate. 


With regard to the Peer Leadership/Conflict Resolution event which was to be delivered by the Foundation for Peace Programme in conjunction with Leeds Youth Service, the Committee was advised that expressions of interest from Members to attend the event would be sought once the arrangements had been confirmed.


Having noted that the Central Middleton Neighbourhood Improvement Plan (NIP) had now concluded and that a summary report detailing the work and achievements of the NIP had been appended to the report for Members’ consideration, it was proposed that Members received an update on the work of the NIP’s successor (Middleton Neighbourhood Network) at a future Area Committee meeting.



(a). That the report and information appended to the report be noted;

(b). That Members be invited to notify the Area Management Team of areas which they believe warrant dedicated intensive clean up operations which would be delivered between July and September 2007;

(c). That Members be advised of the arrangements for the residential Foundation for Peace Programme, and that Members who are interested in attending part of the event be sought and invited to attend;

(d). That as part of an acting-up arrangement, a Senior Warden post be offered to and  appointed from the existing Wardens operating  ...  view the full minutes text for item 13.


Date, Time and Venue of Next Meeting

Tuesday, 18th September 2007 at 6.30 p.m.

(Venue – TBC)



Tuesday, 18th September 2007 at 6.30 p.m.

(Venue – To be confirmed)



(The meeting concluded at 8.51 p.m.)