Agenda item

Joint Strategic Needs Assessment and Area Profiles

To consider a report of the Consultant in Public Health updating the Inner North East Area Committee on the emerging priorities for this area flowing from the refresh of the Leeds Joint Strategic Needs Assessment.



The Consultant in Public Health submitted a report updating the Inner North East Area Committee on the emerging priorities for this area flowing from the refresh of the Leeds Joint Strategic Needs Assessment.


Appended to the report were copies of the following documents for the information/comment of the meeting:-


  • A Tale of 2 MSOS’s (Middle Super Output Area Profiles) – The best and the worst middle super output areas within Inner North East (Appendix A refers)
  • Inner North East Area Committee MSOA Profiles (Appendix B refers)


Lucy Jackson, Consultant in Public Health presented the report and responded to Members’ comments and queries.


In summary, specific reference was made to the following issues:-


  • the need to focus on work around clusters and children’s centres

(The Consultant in Public Health responded and agreed to feed these comments back into the process. She outlined the work currently being undertaken around clusters by the Director of Children’s Services and it was also noted that the Leeds North Clinical Commissioning Group would welcome the opportunity to brief ward members in this regard)

  • the need to address the issue of over subscribed dentists and doctors surgeries and how they could be assisted with financial support in this area
  • the need to encourage dentists and doctors, together with educating parents, to make routine appointments for children outside school hours and thereby reduce substantial absences arising from such appointments. Arising from discussions, Councillor J Dowson agreed to supply statistical information on this issue to the East North East Area Improvement Officer for dissemination to Members of the Area Committee for their information/retention

(The Consultant in Public Health responded and agreed to address this issue)

  • clarification of how lower level output would be addressed in smaller parts of the North East Inner ward i.e. Asian community living in Roundhay

(The Consultant in Public Health responded and confirmed that practice profiles would be picked up in smaller areas)


In concluding, the East North East Area Leader welcomed the emerging priorities and confirmed that the approach outlined in the report would lead to better neighbourhoods and greater knowledge of these health needs in areas of high deprivation i.e. Queenshills etc.



a)  That the contents of the report and appendices be noted and welcomed.

b)  That this Area Committee notes the prioritisation of action in line with the diverse needs within the population.

c)  That further consideration be given to the MSOA profiles for Chapeltown and Meanwood 6 estates in line with the present actions taking place within these areas.

d)  That consideration be given to the lead roles of different agencies in terms of addressing these needs.

e)  That consideration be given to developing a mechanism to help the Area Committee shape the future iterations of the MSOA profiles and JSNA.

f)  That officers be requested to explore further how it might  develop a process to enable health professionals, voluntary sector and Councillors to work together to utilise the information contained in the MSOA profiles to shape and monitor the health landscape. 





Supporting documents: