Agenda item

16/01027/FU - Demolition of former care home and construction of five flats with parking at 576 Harrogate Road, Moortown, Leeds, LS17 8DP

To consider the report of the Chief Planning Officer for the demolition of a former care home and the construction of five flats at 576 Harrogate Road, Moortown, Leeds, LS17 8DP.


(Report attached)


The report of the Chief Planning Officer for the demolition of a former care home and construction of five flats with parking at 576 Harrogate Road, Moortown, Leeds LS17 8DP set out the following suggested reason for refusal for Members consideration.


The Local Planning Authority considers that by reason of the overall size and scale of the proposed building and the amount of associated hardstanding the proposal would result in an overdevelopment of the site not in keeping with the established residential character of the area and resulting in harm the character and visual amenity of the area. The proposed development is contrary to City Council's Core Strategy (2014) policy P10, the saved UDP Review (2006) policies GP5 and BD5 and the guidance contained within the Neighbourhoods for Living (SPG) and NPPF.


The application was considered at North and East Plans Panel on the 30th June 2016, where Officers had recommended approval of the proposal, subject to conditions. However, at the meeting Members resolved not to accept the officer recommendation and expressed concern in relation to overdevelopment of the site and harm to the character of the area. Members requested that a suggested reason for refusal be presented to the Panel for their consideration. Minute 30 refers.


Members had visited the site earlier in the day and felt that the site was much larger than the impression conveyed by the plans and photographs at the presentation at the Panel on the 30th June.


Members had noted that a large section of the site was already given over to hardstanding and they were of the view that the Council would lose should the application go to appeal. 


Members said that they would like to see more greenery at the front of the site and oil interceptors to the parking areas.


Mr Saffer a speaker in favour of the refusal of the application attended the Plans Panel, he was grateful that Members had visited the site.


He said that he had lived in the area for 24 years and the development would dramatically change the nature of the area, he said that residents were opposed to the development and similar developments which were due to be presented in the future.


The lead officer for the Panel informed the Panel that although there was local concern there was nothing in planning policy to object to flats he said that it was more about the impact on the area.


In response to questions from Members Mr Saffer said that cars had not been an issue when the site was a care home he said that there was an issue with the shops nearby and the public house, double yellow lines made this minimal, but he was of the view that 5 flats would generate a number of cars in the area causing long term parking on Harrogate Road and on Crescent Gardens.


Members noted that there were flats across the road from the proposed site which had been built about 25 years ago.


Members were informed by the Highways Officer that 11 spaces were sufficient for five flats with two standard spaces for each flat and one for visitors.


RESOLVED – That Members decided to defer and delegate approval to the planning application to officers subject to:

·  The conditions listed on the Panel report of 30th June 2016 with an additional condition concerning the provision of oil interceptors to parking areas.

·  Further negotiations to move the 3 parking bays at the front to the site further forward towards the centre of the area in the front of the building and the provision of additional landscaping behind.




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