Issue - decisions

Roundhay Secondary School Expansion - Procurement Strategy

03/11/2015 - Request for approval of the proposed procurement route - Roundhay School Expansion Project

The Deputy Director, Learning, Skills & Universal Services agreed to:

·  Note that Option 1A (Traditional is the preferred option which includes extending the existing dining room, providing new changing room, increasing car parking, new synthetic pitch and a new pavilion building circa 3500m2.

·  Urgently approve the dual procurement route and commissioning of ESCO under the request for change variation procedure and appoint the LEP under a new projects procedure request to deliver the projects through to handover subject to Leeds City Council being satisfied the project offers value for money.

·  That authority be given to expand pre contract design fees becoming payable on submission of detailed plans totalling £462,428.

·  Note that the Principal Development Officer allocated to this project is responsible for implementing the procurement strategy.