Issue - decisions

IT Services Essential Services Programme (ESP) - Corporate Hardware and Software Upgrades

14/04/2016 - IT Services Essential Services Programme (ESP) - Corporate Hardware and Software Upgrades

Incur capital expenditure of £4,100K on essential corporate ICT infrastructure upgrades (ESP) for 2016/17. In particular complete the final phase of replacing the Council’s old analogue telephone system – this system will reach ‘end of support’ in 2017; continue work on upgrading our Microsoft Sharepoint collaboration and Biztalk integration platforms; complete the overhaul of the IT application development environment. In addition, make our data centres more resilient and replace a significant number of PC’s and laptops that are over 7 years old. There are also a range of smaller but very important initiatives that are required to be undertaken in order to keep our infrastructure sufficiently up to date.  This expenditure includes the engagement of specialist internal and external resources and the associated project management to implement this programme of work.