Decision details

Governance Arrangements for the South Leeds Youth Hub (SLYH)

Reference: D40615

Decision Maker: Executive Board

Decision status: Recommendations Approved

Is Key decision?: Yes

Is subject to call in?: No


Permission to progress with a community asset transfer at South Leeds Youth Hub.


The Director of Children’s Services submitted a report informing of the progress which had been made in respect of a potential Community Asset Transfer (CAT) of South Leeds Youth Hub (SLYH) to a “not for private profit” organisation.


Responding to Members’ enquiries, the Board received assurances with regard to funding streams, should a CAT take place.  In addition, the Board received further details regarding the potential benefits which may be realised from a Community Asset Transfer of the SLYH.



(a)  That the start of a Community Asset Transfer process, for the SLYH, to a “not for private profit” organisation be approved.


(b)  That support be given to the progressing of a lease for SLYH (at least

for the life of the MyPlace grant which expires on 28 October 2028), with details for a rental agreement being determined as part of the process.


(c)  That a reducing revenue contingency over 4 years be approved, with the aim that immediate pressures of any transfer are overcome as the new “building manager” works towards achieving financial sustainability over the term.


(d)  That the establishment of a Partnership Advisory Group be approved, in order to support the management of the Council’s investment, in the event that a “not for private profit” organisation submits a successful business plan.


Reason Key: Expenditure > £250,000;

Wards Affected: Ardsley and Robin Hood; Beeston and Holbeck; City and Hunslet; Middleton Park; Morley North; Morley South; Rothwell;

Portfolio Holder: Development and the Economy

Other reasons / organisations consulted

Consultation has taken place with young people, local elected members, the Executive Member for Development and the Economy, SLYH Board Members, CS AMB, Corporate AMB, Schools and Trade Unions.

Contact: Jean Davey, Youth Offer Lead Telephone: 0113 22 43796 Email:

Report author: Jean Davey

Publication date: 18/11/2013

Date of decision: 24/04/2013

Decided at meeting: 24/04/2013 - Executive Board

Accompanying Documents: