Reference: D41821
Decision Maker: Executive Board
Decision status: Recommendations Approved
Is Key decision?: Yes
Is subject to call in?: Yes
Part A: Final decision on proposal to expand Hollybush Primary School from September 2016 and change the lower age range from 3 to 2 from January 2015
Part B: Final decision on proposal to expand Castleton Primary School from September 2016
Further to Minute No. 34, 16th July 2014, the Director of Children’s Services submitted a report detailing proposals aimed to ensure that the local authority met its duty regarding the sufficiency of school places. The report was divided into two parts - Part A described the outcome of a statutory notice in relation to the expansion of primary provision in Armley for September 2016, and which sought a final decision on the proposal. Whereas Part B described the outcome of a statutory notice in relation to the expansion of primary provision in Bramley and Stanningley for September 2016, and which sought a final decision on the proposal.
(a) That changes to Castleton Primary School by increasing its capacity from 210 pupils to 420 pupils, increasing in the admission limit in reception from 30 to 60 from September 2016, be approved;
(b) That changes to Hollybush Primary School by changing the lower age limit from 3 to 2 from January 2015 and increasing its capacity from 420 pupils to 630 pupils, increasing the admission limit in reception from 60 to 90 from September 2016, be approved;
(c) That it be noted that the responsible officer for the implementation of such matters is the Capacity Planning and Sufficiency Lead.
Reason Key: Expenditure > £250,000;
Wards Affected: Armley; Bramley and Stanningley;
Portfolio Holder: Executive Member for Children's Services
Other reasons / organisations consulted
Brief notices were published in the Yorkshire Evening Post and displayed at the schools and surrounding area for 4 weeks in respect of all proposals. Full proposals were placed on the LCC website.
Parents, staff and governors of proposed and neighbouring schools, prospective parents, local residents, ward members, Diocese, neighbouring LA’s, MP’s, trade unions, parish councils and other relevant stakeholders.
Contact: Vivienne Buckland, Head of Learning Systems 0113 2475924 Email:
Report author: Vivienne Buckland
Publication date: 25/11/2014
Date of decision: 19/11/2014
Decided at meeting: 19/11/2014 - Executive Board
Effective from: 29/11/2014
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