Decision details

Delivering the Better Lives Strategy in Leeds: Proposed Next Steps

Reference: D41820

Decision Maker: Executive Board

Decision status: Recommendations Approved

Is Key decision?: Yes

Is subject to call in?: Yes


To approve the proposed next steps in relation to the delivery of the Leeds better lives strategy with particular emphasis on opportunities for the modernisation of directly provided services.


The Interim Director of Adult Social Services submitted a report providing information on the progress which had been made in relation to the ‘Better Lives’ programme to date. Taking this into account, together with current opportunities and challenges in this area, the report also presented a series of recommendations for next steps, including the future direction of travel for those services currently provided by the Council.


An updated version of the covering report for this matter had been circulated to Board Members prior to the meeting for their consideration.


Responding to an enquiry, assurances were provided that approval of the recommendations detailed within the submitted report would signify the commencement of a robust and meaningful consultation exercise. It was noted that this exercise would take into consideration all relevant information already available, and would ensure engagement with staff, service users, trade unions and others, in order to consider alternative financial models which would seek significant savings in order to align with budget requirements.


In addition, Members received clarification from officers in respect of specific recommendations detailed within the submitted report and it was reiterated that following the conclusion of the consultation exercise, any related final decisions regarding future service provision would be submitted to the Executive Board for determination. Furthermore, it was emphasised that as a result of any such final decisions taken by the Board, no service users would be relocated until appropriate alternative provision had been identified. 


Furthermore, emphasis was placed upon the need to ensure that dialogue continued with all affected staff, the need for a mixed economy of service provision throughout the city was highlighted, and the innovative approach which continued to be undertaken in order to develop appropriate provision across the city was noted.



(a)  That it be noted that during the consultation on the future of residential, day and community support services, confirmation will be sought (by means of a further review chaired by the Executive Board member for Adult Social Care or his deputy) that reviews already conducted are robust; and that work with staff and trades unions will be put under way to determine whether alternative service delivery models can be constructed which will deliver the required efficiencies.  It also be noted that staff and trade unions in these areas of service are invited to bring forward workable proposals for alternative service delivery models, for consideration by Executive Board at a future meeting;


(b)  That the proposals contained within the submitted report for the Better Lives programme relating to the specific services, as detailed in section 5 of the submitted report, be approved;


(c)  That the four-year timetable, as set out in the submitted report and as summarised in Appendix 1, be approved;


(d)  That consultation be commenced immediately (January 2015) on the proposed decommissioning of the three remaining specialist residential care homes and associated day centres (Siegen Manor, Middlecross and The Green), with the consultation seeking views on the proposed decommissioning of these establishments when suitable alternative facilities become available in their vicinity, as detailed in sections 5.2-5.4 and 5.19-5.21 of the submitted report;


(e)  That when it is considered that suitable alternative provision is available for Knowle Manor and Spring Gardens, the Director of Adult Social Services, in consultation with the Executive Member for Adult Social Care, consider a decision to cease permanent admissions from an agreed date, as detailed in section 5.5 of the submitted report;


(f)  That agreement be given to continue to seek the creation of local alternative care provision for those residential care services which have been previously approved by Executive Board for closure.  In the case of both Home Lea House and Dolphin Manor, a progress report setting out a clear and conclusive business case for a local social enterprise be submitted and considered by Executive Board in summer 2015, and if that is not possible, an alternative proposal be brought back to the Executive Board within that same timescale, with staff being fully engaged throughout this period, as detailed in section 5.7 of the submitted report;


(g)  That agreement be given to continue to pursue the development of a transitional and respite care facility at Suffolk Court, as previously approved by Executive Board, in partnership with health partners and others, subject to the outcome of options appraisals being undertaken by the Clinical Commissioning Groups (CCGs) and the Public Private Partnership Unit (PPPU), as detailed in sections 5.8-5.10 and 5.18 of the submitted report;


(h)  That in order to support the introduction of new city-wide contracts for the provision of homecare, which are planned to be introduced during 2016, approval be given to commence in January 2015, consultation on the proposal to cease the provision of the in house community support service (long term generic and mental health) with the intention of the service being fully withdrawn by the end of March 2016, and that  during the consultation period, positive redeployment options be actively pursued, as detailed in sections 5.12-5.14 of the submitted report;


(i)  That approval be given to begin work to align the provision of care support in the three extra care schemes where Adult Social Care is the care provider to that contained in the new city-wide extra care model by the end of March 2016.  After that date, a further review be undertaken in order to ascertain whether further efficiencies could be delivered through market testing these three schemes, as detailed in section 5.15 of the submitted report;


(j)  That support be given to work currently under way to identify a site for a new leisure / sport / wellbeing facility in East Leeds, as outlined in section 5.16 of the submitted report;


(k)  That approval be given to commence consultation immediately (January 2015) on the decommissioning of Springfield day centre (Beeston and Holbeck).  The consultation will seek views on the proposed decommissioning of this establishment when suitable alternative facilities become available in the vicinity, as detailed in section 5.22 of the submitted report;


(l)  That sufficient alternative work placements and job opportunities within Council directorates be identified for all disabled staff currently working in the Roseville laundry.  When this has been achieved and all staff accommodated, then a decision be made to cease trading as soon as practical.  Furthermore, other staff attached to Roseville to be supported to find alternative options, as detailed in section 5.27 of the submitted report;


(m)   That in relation to all other direct care services provided in house and not specifically mentioned above, approval be given to identify appropriate and sustainable opportunities for those services to be either transferred to, or delivered in partnership with either the Council or with health or voluntary sector organisations, as detailed in section 5.28 of the submitted report;


(n)  That approval be given to undertake joint work with colleagues in the Leeds and York Partnership NHS Foundation Trust (LYPFT) in order to develop a business case for the further integration of services comprising all of the current council delivered mental health day, recovery and supported housing services, the physical impairment service and older people’s dementia day support at Calverlands and Laurel Bank, through an updated and revised section 75 agreement (Health Act 2011), as detailed in sections 5.28 and 5.30 of the submitted report;


(o)  That approval be given to identify alternative and appropriate job opportunities for staff impacted by these proposals, within the Council and across the wider health and social care sector in the city and also to support staff to take up such opportunities through targeted training and development support, as detailed in sections 6.9-6.14 of the submitted report;


(p)  That approval be given the next key steps as follows:-

(i)  January 2015: commence consultation immediately on the proposed decommissioning of the three remaining specialist residential care homes and associated day centres (Siegen Manor, Middlecross and The Green) and Springfield day centre.  The consultation will seek views on the proposed decommissioning of these establishments when suitable alternative facilities become available in their vicinity using the proposed approach detailed in sections 6.1-6.5 of the submitted report;

(ii)  January 2015: commence consultation on the proposal to cease the provision of the in house community support service (long term generic and mental health) with the intention of the service being fully withdrawn by the end of March 2016;

(iii)  Summer 2015: to provide an update report on progress made in relation to all of the above proposals with annual reports on progress thereafter.


(q)  To note that the Interim Director of Adult Social Services is lead officer for this work.



Reason Key: Expenditure > £250,000;

Portfolio Holder: Adult Social Care

Other reasons / organisations consulted

To take place over a 12 week period.


To include all key stakeholders (service users, relatives, staff, Elected Members, independent and voluntary sector).


Contact: 0113 2478647 Email:

Report author: Dennis Holmes

Publication date: 25/11/2014

Date of decision: 19/11/2014

Decided at meeting: 19/11/2014 - Executive Board

Effective from: 29/11/2014

Accompanying Documents: