Decision details

Leeds City Council Social Care and Health Capital Fund

Reference: D41819

Decision Maker: Executive Board

Decision status: Recommendations Approved

Is Key decision?: Yes

Is subject to call in?: Yes


The Executive Board are required to approve the initial business cases under the already established Health and Social Care Capital Fund.  The latter was agreed in September and carried a note that business cases for specific initiatives would follow.


Further to Minute No.74, 17th September 2014, the Interim Director of Adult Social Services submitted a report advising of the intention to commit Health and Social Care capital funding to two information and technology led schemes in order to support the City’s ambitious plans to be the Best City in the country for Health and Wellbeing.


Responding to an enquiry, officers provided the Board with information on the potential options available to recoup any savings realised from the Department of Health (DoH) as a result of an investment into the Health and Social Care Aggregated Secure Network Interconnection. In addition, it was noted that with regard to this project, an investment would not be made until there had been a satisfactory conclusion to the discussions held with the DoH regarding the release of such savings.


It was highlighted that further cross-directorate and multi-agency working was required in order to maximise the available resource for the benefit of health and social care service provision.


Finally, the Members paid tribute to the work of the Council’s ICT team who continued to lead the way nationally in terms of the technological advances being made in the field of health and wellbeing.


RESOLVED – That approval be given to the first drawdown of £1,350,000 from the Health and Social Care Capital Fund to progress work on the first two information and technology schemes, which are:-

(i)  Approval to spend £1,300,000 on the Tracking Outcomes for Children and Young People scheme;

(ii)  Approval to spend £50,000 on the Health and Social Care Network Interconnection (N3 to YHPSN), subject to the satisfactory conclusion of discussions with the Department of Health.

Reason Key: Expenditure > £250,000;

Portfolio Holder: Adult Social Care

Other reasons / organisations consulted

The Executive Board report and the outline business cases have been worked up with a team of officers and staff from across the Leeds health and social care sector.  Senior leaders have been included from Adult Social Care, Children’s Services, CCGs, LTHT and LYPFT.


Working group has included:

LTHT – Director of Informatics and delegated team


ASC – Head of IM&T, Programme Manager

Children’s Services – Head of IM&T

LYPFT – Delegated team

CCGs – Clinical Chair (North); Director of Informatics

Contact: Julie Oxley, Head of Information Management & Technology 07891 274499 Email:

Report author: Julie Oxley

Publication date: 25/11/2014

Date of decision: 19/11/2014

Decided at meeting: 19/11/2014 - Executive Board

Effective from: 29/11/2014

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