Decision details

Supply of Specialist Housing for Older People

Reference: D41816

Decision Maker: Executive Board

Decision status: Recommendations Approved

Is Key decision?: Yes

Is subject to call in?: Yes


Executive Board will be recommended to note the progress made in increasing the delivery of specialist housing for older people and agree the next steps for future investment and to support the delivery of Extra Care Housing.


Further to Minute No. 181, 15th February 2013, the Director of Environment and Housing, the Director of City Development and the Interim Director of Adult Social Services submitted a joint report outlining the progress made to date and identifying how the delivery of specialist housing units could be increased, particularly in those areas of the city where there was a current or predicted shortfall. In addition, the submitted report also set out the scope of the review of Council-owned sheltered housing in the city which would look to expand the housing and support options and choices for older people, and provide flexibility to meet changing needs.


In presenting the report, an update was provided on the proactive approach being taken to secure further provision of specialist housing for older people, whilst details were also provided on the level of demand which remained. It was emphasised that the focus of the work being undertaken in this area was to help people with care and support needs to live independent lives.


Responding to an enquiry, Members noted the actions which were being taken, in line with the ‘One Public Estate’ programme, to work with partners in order to utilise sites, where appropriate, for the purposes of specialist housing provision. 


In addition, as the work continued to secure the delivery of older people’s housing provision across Leeds, Members emphasised the need to ensure that local Ward Councillors were fully engaged throughout this process.



(a)  That the progress made in increasing the delivery of specialist housing for older people be noted;


(b)  That support be given to the further consideration of those Council owned sites, as detailed at paragraphs 3.25 – 3.26 of the submitted report, for investment in Extra Care housing either by direct delivery or through disposal as part of mixed tenure development schemes, and that they are progressed for the purposes of further Ward Member consultation;


(c)  That the role that the Council’s sheltered housing stock can play in expanding the housing and support options available for older people be noted, together with the fact that a review is being carried out by the Director of Environment and Housing in order to develop the investment approach.

Reason Key: Affects more than 1 ward;

Portfolio Holder: Executive Member for Neighbourhoods, Planning & Personnel

Other reasons / organisations consulted



Site specific consultation to take place with the Members for the following wards:

Temple Newsam

Middleton Park

Farnley & Wortley

Chapel Allerton

Killingback & Seacroft

Contact: Anna Clifford, Programme Manager 2476692 - 3950502 Email:, Margaret Gjessing, Housing Investment Manager Email:

Report author: Anna Clifford

Publication date: 25/11/2014

Date of decision: 19/11/2014

Decided at meeting: 19/11/2014 - Executive Board

Effective from: 29/11/2014

Accompanying Documents: