Decision details

Connectivity Improvements to South Bank

Reference: D41813

Decision Maker: Executive Board

Decision status: Recommendations Approved

Is Key decision?: Yes

Is subject to call in?: Yes


Approval to spend monies on public realm and public transport to improve connectivity between the train station and South Bank.


The Director of City Development submitted a report which outlined issues impacting upon the potential success of Leeds Dock and the rest of South Bank and proposed the contribution of funding and in-kind support to a number of public realm, cycling and public transport improvements in order to improve connectivity to South Bank.


Members welcomed the proposals detailed within the submitted report and highlighted the role that the improved connectivity of the area could potentially play in the revitalisation of Leeds Dock and the regeneration of South Bank.


Given the significant level of footfall within the city centre on a Sunday, an enquiry was raised about the potential to extend the current proposal to operate a City Bus to Leeds Dock 7 days a week. In response, it was proposed that as part of the tender process for the bus service, a variant opportunity be provided to enable submissions for a Sunday service also, which could be taken into consideration as part of the overall process.


Following consideration of Appendix II to the submitted report, designated as exempt from publication under the provisions of Access to Information Procedure Rule 10.4(3), which was considered in private at the conclusion of the meeting it was


RESOLVED – That the following be noted:-

(a)  a contribution of £50,000 LCC funding will be sought from the capital

programme alongside private sector contributions of £94,000, which will help fund public realm improvements from Leeds Rail Station through South Bank. Once the details have been finalised, a report will be taken to Director of City Development for approval;


(b)  a contribution of £25,000 is made from the Local Transport Plan (LTP) towards the cycling and bus stop provision in order to complement the £150,000 City Connect scheme which will provide cycling infrastructure from the Leeds Railway Station to Leeds Bridge by extending facilities into the South Bank;


(c)  that funding will be allocated from the S106 Public Transport contributions in order to support public transport provision from the railway station to Leeds Dock, and that it is recommended that the bus is branded as ‘City Bus (South Bank)’, with fares kept in line with the existing City Bus (currently 50p).

Reason Key: Expenditure > £250,000;

Wards Affected: City and Hunslet;

Portfolio Holder: Executive Member for Transport & Economy

Other reasons / organisations consulted

There has been on-going consultation with landowners and other stakeholders in the city.


Allied London

West Yorkshire Combined Authority on the specific proposals and a wider range of stakeholders on the principles of improving connectivity.

Report author: Cath Follin

Publication date: 25/11/2014

Date of decision: 19/11/2014

Decided at meeting: 19/11/2014 - Executive Board

Effective from: 29/11/2014

Accompanying Documents: