Decision details

Whitehall Road / Northern Street Junction Improvement

Reference: D43611

Decision Maker: Executive Board

Decision status: Recommendations Approved

Is Key decision?: Yes

Is subject to call in?: Yes


Agree that Leeds City Council approve the junction improvement works and authorise the detailed design and implementation of the scheme.  Give authority to inject £2.61m into the Capital Programme and to incur expenditure of £2.61m to implement the approved scheme.


The Director of City Development submitted a report which sought approval of the detailed design and implementation of a junction improvement scheme at Whitehall Road and Northern Street, as indicated in the drawing EP/732227/MIS/25, as appended to the submitted report, at a cost of £2.61m, which would be wholly funded by developer contributions.



(a)  That the junction improvement works, as described in the submitted report, be approved, and that the detailed design and implementation of the scheme, as shown on drawing EP/732227/MIS/25 (as appended to the submitted report), be authorised;


(b)  That authority be given to inject a further £2,103,200 into the Capital Programme (noting that £506,800 is already included within the Capital Programme);


(c)  That authority to incur expenditure of £2,610,000 in order to implement the approved scheme, which will be fully funded from private developer section 106 receipts, be approved;


(d)  That it be noted that all remaining decisions relating to detailed design including the proposed Traffic Regulation Orders and the designation of cycle tracks on the public highway will be reported to the Chief Officer (Highways and Transportation) using existing powers under the Officer Delegation Scheme (Part 3, Council Constitution) and as sub-delegated by the Director of City Development.


(Under the provisions of Council Procedure Rule 16.5, Councillor A Carter required it to be recorded that he abstained from voting on the decisions referred to within this minute)


(Councillor A Carter left the meeting at the conclusion of this item)


Reason Key: Expenditure > £250,000;

Wards Affected: City and Hunslet;

Portfolio Holder: Executive Member for Regeneration, Transport and Planning

Other reasons / organisations consulted

City and Hunslet Ward Members will be consulted on the contents of the report.  A stakeholder Communications Plan will be established subject to the approval of the report.  


City and Hunslet Ward Members will be consulted on the contents of the report.  A stakeholder Communications Plan will be established subject to the approval of the report. 

Contact: Gillian Macleod, Highways Development Officer 0113 247 5302 Email:

Report author: Gillian Macleod

Publication date: 01/08/2016

Date of decision: 27/07/2016

Decided at meeting: 27/07/2016 - Executive Board

Effective from: 06/08/2016

Accompanying Documents: