Reference: D49935
Decision Maker: Executive Board
Decision status: Recommendations Approved
Is Key decision?: Yes
Is subject to call in?: Yes
To consider the decision on the preferred option for the future of the two Highways high rise blocks, following the completion of an options appraisal. The council owns and manages these council housing blocks in the Killingbeck area of east Leeds. These are each ten storeys, have a total of 120 homes, and are of Reema Large Panel System (LPS) construction from the early 1960s. The blocks are known to have structural issues and, although they are safe to live in currently, they have exceeded their original design life and require significant investment to bring them up to the standards required by both the council and national guidance. We want everyone to be able to live in good quality homes and are committed to improving quality and standards.
The options appraisal has looked principally at either refurbishing the blocks, or demolishing the site to redevelop with new council housing. Factors considered include alignment with council policies and plans, as well as the financial case - including capital costs, net present value over 30 years, and return on investment and the payback period.
A decision to suspend new lettings, and start re-housing existing residents has already been taken (April 2019). This was the result of recognition that it was not possible to identify a workable refurbishment solution that would allow residents to stay in their homes whilst any works were carried out, given the scale and length of disruption involved.
The Director of Resources and Housing submitted a report on proposals regarding the future of the two Highways housing high rise blocks in Killingbeck, Leeds. The report outlined how the blocks had exceeded their original design life and required significant investment to bring them up to the standards that the Council wished for its residents.
The submitted report and the appended options appraisal document set out several potential options for progressing this matter, as follows, with Option 3 being recommended to the Board:-
Option 1: Clearance and demolition over the next ten years;
Option 2: Clearance and demolition of the site;
Option 3: Clearance and demolition and redevelopment of the site with new build Council homes;
Option 4: Refurbishment of the blocks.
Responding to a Member’s enquiry, the Board received further information on how the proposal to demolish the site and replace with new build properties was more financially and environmentally sustainable over a 60 year period than the proposal to refurbish the existing buildings. It was also highlighted that the building of new properties enabled the standard of accommodation to be improved in line with the Council’s ambitions.
Confirmation was provided that consultation had been undertaken with the local Ward Councillors and the tenants who were supportive of the proposals.
Members’ comments regarding the Climate Emergency text within the submitted report and the need for more comprehensive information to be added in future was acknowledged. It was highlighted that such comments would be taken into consideration when drafting future Board reports, however, it was emphasised that Leeds was one of the first Council’s to routinely incorporate such information into its Executive reports. Also, it was noted that some subject areas were currently easier to provide a forecast or measure potential impact than others, a situation which would evolve as research in this field developed.
(a) That the contents of the submitted report and the appended options appraisal document be noted;
(b) That the properties of 62-121 Highways, Killingbeck, Leeds, West Yorkshire, LS14 6AS and 1-61 Highways, Killingbeck, Leeds, West Yorkshire, LS14 6AT be declared as being surplus to requirements;
(c) That the Board’s agreement be given to take out of charge the properties of 62-121 Highways, Killingbeck, Leeds, West Yorkshire, LS14 6AS and 1-61 Highways, Killingbeck, Leeds, West Yorkshire, LS14 6AT;
(d) That the Board’s agreement be given for the buildings on the site to be safely demolished, thus creating a clear site for future use;
(e) That the serving of an initial demolition notice, in line with Housing Act processes, in respect of tenants wishing to exercise their ‘Right to Buy’, be approved;
(f) That the Board’s agreement be given for the site being developed as part of the Housing Growth programme, enabling new Council housing to be built on that site in the future;
(g) That it be noted that a separate report will follow from the Council Housing Growth Programme, which will detail and request approval for the proposed replacement housing scheme.
Wards Affected: Killingbeck and Seacroft;
Portfolio Holder: Executive Member for Communities
Other reasons / organisations consulted
Residents of the Highways blocks have been kept informed throughout the improvement project since it originally commenced in 2013. They are currently receiving dedicated support (including from a vacant ground floor flat on site) in relation to moving, and updates to Frequently Asked Questions – including about what may happen with the blocks.
The three local ward councillors have been closely engaged in our plans to improve these blocks and continue to be consulted about both updates on resident re-housing and the decisions in this report. The Executive Member for Communities is also being consulted.
Internally, colleagues across Housing Leeds and in Council Housing Growth have also been engaged and consulted – to develop and inform the options appraisal and the contents of the report.
Residents, local Ward Councillors, the Executive Member for Communities, Housing Leeds, Housing Growth.
Contact: Jon Andrews, Programme Manager 07712 215525 Email:
Report author: Jon Andrews
Publication date: 26/07/2019
Date of decision: 24/07/2019
Decided at meeting: 24/07/2019 - Executive Board
Effective from: 03/08/2019
Accompanying Documents: