Decision details

The Leeds Community Infrastructure Levy - Investment of the Strategic Fund

Reference: D52756

Decision Maker: Executive Board

Decision status: Recommendations Approved

Is Key decision?: Yes

Is subject to call in?: Yes


To approve the spending priorities for the Community Infrastructure Levy Strategic Fund.


The Director of Resources and Housing and the Director of City Development submitted a joint report which sought approval for the investment of the Community Infrastructure Levy (CIL) Strategic Fund in terms of spending priorities for the forthcoming year and to align the Fund with the Capital Programme. The report also provided an update on national legislative changes to the CIL process, in particular those that impact the Strategic Fund.


Responding to a Member’s enquiry, officers undertook to provide the Member in question with further detail regarding a public transport contribution concerning NGT in terms of the sum of money involved and where it was held.



(a)  That agreement be given for the spending priority for the investment of the CIL Strategic Fund (financial year 21/22) to be the Learning Places Programme, given the continued need in particular for secondary and SEN places;


(b)  That it be noted that the responsible officer for the implementation of resolution (a) is the Chief Officer (Financial Services), and that, following resolution (a) (above), the Chief Officer (Financial Services) will proceed to implement the recommendation under their delegated powers with the assistance of their delegated officers.


Reason Key: Financial Impact>£500K;

Portfolio Holder: Executive Member for Resources

Other reasons / organisations consulted

Through the Council’s Strategic Investment Board


Members of the Council’s Strategic Investment Board

Contact: Nasreen Yunis 0113 378 7640 Email:

Report author: Nasreen Yunis

Publication date: 15/02/2021

Date of decision: 10/02/2021

Decided at meeting: 10/02/2021 - Executive Board

Effective from: 20/02/2021

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