Decision details

Kirkstall Forge - Change to Essential Infrastructure Works Contract - Capital Scheme Number: 32336

Reference: D42629

Decision Maker: Director of City Development

Decision status: For Determination

Is Key decision?: No

Is subject to call in?: No


The Head of Engineering Services:

i) noted the contents of this report;

ii) noted the cost of the additional works as £678,000 which are to be fully funded by the Developer from a separately held account;

iii) authorised the injection of £678,000 into the Council’s capital programme, fully funded by the Developer;

iv) gave authority to incur expenditure of £678,000 in delivering these additional works, fully funded by the Developer.

Wards Affected: Bramley and Stanningley; Horsforth; Kirkstall;

Contact: Paul Russell, Principal Engineer 0113 247 6171 Email:

Publication date: 07/08/2015

Accompanying Documents: