Reference: D44435
Decision Maker: Director of Children and Families
Decision status: For Determination
Is Key decision?: No
Is subject to call in?: No
The Director of Children & Families agreed
• Approve the waiver of the following Contracts Procedure Rule
to enable the delivery of critical accommodation at Beecroft
Primary School, thus allowing the engagement of the Councils
Strategic Partner (Leeds LEP Limited) to deliver the required
o CPR 9.1 Where no appropriate internal provider, Exclusive
Supplier, existing provider, LCC Approved Framework Agreement or
Approved Framework Agreement exists, competition is required for
procurements valued over £100k.
o CPR 9.2 Where there are sufficient numbers of providers at least
four written tenders will be invited.
• Approve the engagement of the LLEP via the existing
Strategic Partnering Agreement and generate a programme of works
that will be delivered at selected schools that cannot be met by
the Internal Service Provider or an existing Framework Agreement in
time for the start of the 2017 September term.
• Note that he design and technical services have been
procured utilising the City Council’s preferred provider,
Norfolk Property Services Leeds (NPS), who will be appointed to
provide a technical & cost assurance service.
Wards Affected: Kirkstall;
Contact: Edward Staveley, Principal Asset Management Officer , City Development 07981 271059 Email:
Publication date: 23/05/2017
Accompanying Documents: