Decision details

Treasury Management Outturn Report 2019/20

Reference: D52074

Decision status: Recommendations Approved

Is Key decision?: No

Is subject to call in?: Yes


The Chief Officer (Financial Services) submitted a report providing the financial outturn position for the 2019/20 financial year in terms of the Council’s Treasury Management Strategy and operations.


Responding to a Member’s enquiry, the Board was provided with an update on the Council’s current approach towards borrowing, with it being noted that during this current financially uncertain period, the Council was monitoring the markets with the aim of ensuring that future borrowing achieved best value for the Council.


RESOLVED – That the Treasury Management outturn position for 2019/20, as detailed within the submitted report, be noted, with it also being noted that treasury activity has remained within the Treasury Management Strategy and policy framework.

Publication date: 03/07/2020

Date of decision: 24/06/2020

Decided at meeting: 24/06/2020 - Executive Board

Effective from: 04/07/2020

Accompanying Documents: