Decision details

Land at Manston Lane, Leeds

Reference: D52927

Decision Maker: Director of City Development

Decision status: Recommendations Approved

Is Key decision?: Yes

Is subject to call in?: No


Disposal of the council’s interest in the subject site the value of which exceeds £500,000.


The Director of City Development has approved that:

a) the subject site is transferred on the terms as provisionally agreed and set out in the confidential appendix, and

b) the report is exempted from call-in for reasons as set out in paragraph 4.5.3

Reason Key: Financial Impact>£500K;

Wards Affected: Cross Gates and Whinmoor;

If the decision has not been published in the List of Forthcoming Key Decisions for at least 28 clear days, the reason why it would be impracticable to delay the decision:: The recommendations contained in this report constitutes a Key Decision which has not been included the List of Forthcoming Key Decisions for 28 clear days before it is intended that they will be made. Given that the documentation has only just been agreed and there is a need to complete this transaction within this Financial Year the decision to complete the transaction needs to be completed sooner than the 28 days period. It would be impractical to defer the decisions sought until they have been included in the List of Forthcoming Key Decisions for 28 clear days. In the circumstances, and in accordance with the Council’s special urgency procedure, the Chair of the Strategy and Resources Scrutiny Board has been consulted and has agreed that the decisions are urgent and cannot be reasonably deferred. Therefore the decision advised in this report is also recommended to be exempt from call-in for these same reasons. .

If exempt from Call-In, the reason why Call-In would prejudice the interests of the Council or the public:: The recommendations contained in this report constitutes a Key Decision which has not been included the List of Forthcoming Key Decisions for 28 clear days before it is intended that they will be made. Given that the documentation has only just been agreed and there is a need to complete this transaction within this Financial Year the decision to complete the transaction needs to be completed sooner than the 28 days period. It would be impractical to defer the decisions sought until they have been included in the List of Forthcoming Key Decisions for 28 clear days. In the circumstances, and in accordance with the Council’s special urgency procedure, the Chair of the Strategy and Resources Scrutiny Board has been consulted and has agreed that the decisions are urgent and cannot be reasonably deferred. Therefore the decision advised in this report is also recommended to be exempt from call-in for these same reasons. .

Other reasons / organisations consulted

Briefings will be provided by email with the offer of a discussion if required.


Crossgates and Whinmoor Ward Members.

Contact: Mary Stockton, Senior Surveyor 0113 37 87 684 Email:

Publication date: 24/03/2021

Date of decision: 24/03/2021

Accompanying Documents: