Decision details

Update on Thriving: The Child Poverty Strategy for Leeds

Reference: D54277

Decision status: Recommendations Approved

Is Key decision?: No

Is subject to call in?: Yes


The Director of Children and Families submitted a report which provided an overview of ‘Thriving: The Child Poverty Strategy for Leeds’, together with the work being undertaken as part of the strategy, including details of the response in this area during the pandemic.


The Executive Member presented the report highlighting the range of reasons why children and young people were living in poverty, with details also being provided on the impact of the pandemic upon such poverty levels.


Responding to a Member’s enquiry in respect of enabling educational achievement and the impact of home schooling during the pandemic on such matters, the Board was provided with details of the actions being taken to progress specific priorities which had been identified in light of the pandemic, and also further information specifically regarding the support provided to parents and carers in helping their children progress in the area of educational attainment.


The Board also discussed the nature of the update report provided and the range of measurable outcomes within it, with a suggestion that as part of the submission of the next scheduled update report, further detail could be included regarding the progress being made with regard to supporting children and their families in respect of educational attainment.



(a)  That the strategic framework in place to mitigate the impact of child poverty, and the work being undertaken by the Council and other partners in the key areas of activity, as detailed within the submitted report, be endorsed;


(b)  That the need to promote the work of the ‘Thriving’ strategy across the city and in particular in each respective Members’ portfolio in order to highlight the impact of poverty on children and their families, be acknowledged;


(c)  That it be noted that the officer responsible for the strategy is the Deputy Director Children and Families; working in partnership across the Council directorates.


Publication date: 07/07/2021

Date of decision: 23/06/2021

Decided at meeting: 23/06/2021 - Executive Board

Effective from: 03/07/2021

Accompanying Documents: