Decision details

Council Housing Growth Programme: Approval to enter into an NEC3 Construction and Engineering contract to deliver 100 general needs houses made up of 2,3 and 4 bedroom properties, 16 x 1 bed M43 bungalows (designed for adults with Physical and Senso

Reference: D54361

Decision Maker: Director of City Development

Decision status: Recommendations Approved

Is Key decision?: No

Is subject to call in?: No


1. The Director of City Development granted approval:
a. to enter into an NEC3 Engineering and Construction Contract (NEC3 ECC) Option A with Wates Construction Ltd for the construction of 176 new council homes at Throstle Recreation Ground and the former Middleton Skills Centre at a total value of £39,571,644; enabling a contract start date of 26th July 2021; a site access date of 26th July 2021; a forecast completion date of 21st August 2023; and
b. to spend.the total scheme expenditure capital scheme numbers 33103/THR and 33103/TGF to deliver 100 general needs houses made up of 2,3 and 4 bedroom properties, 16 x 1 bed M43 bungalows (designed for adults with Physical and Sensory impairments) and 60 Extra Care apartments and associated communal facilities at the former Middleton Skills Centre sites and Throstle Recreation Ground at Middleton, Leeds.

2. This followed previous Key Decisions taken at Executive Board
a. on 19th December 2018 to confirm the inclusion of the Throstle Recreation Ground site to be utilised to deliver extra care Housing and;
b. on 26th June 2019 to include the remainder of Throstle Recreation Ground and the former Middleton Skills Centre site in the Council Housing Growth programme for the delivery of general needs housing

Wards Affected: Middleton Park;

Contact: Mark Denton 07891 278062 Email:

Publication date: 27/07/2021

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