Decision details

Implement an Approved Provider List (APL) for Working Age Adults (WAA) Services & issue the contract bundle to current SPOT purchased domiciliary, outreach and day opportunity services

Reference: D55312

Decision Maker: Director of Adults and Health

Decision status: For Determination

Is Key decision?: Yes

Is subject to call in?: Yes


Brief Description

The decision required is two-fold and requests that:

1.  The overarching contract bundle is issued to Working Age Adult non-accommodation services that are SPOT purchased – domiciliary, outreach and day opportunities

2.  An Approved Provider List is implemented for Working Age Adults which will cover:

§  Nursing and Residential Care

§  Supported living/housing

§  Domiciliary and Outreach support

§  Day Opportunities

Currently the Working Age Adult Accommodation-based Services including nursing, residential and supported living services have an overarching contract in place which provides market oversight and contract management relationships.

By issuing the overarching contract bundle to currently used SPOT providers, it ensures continued service and minimum disruption to service users, ensuring that providers currently chosen to be used by individuals are under contract and have clear standards and expectations in place. However, for these providers to be added to the APL and be appointed any new business, they will need to pass an application process and due diligence, providing greater oversight.

The approval to implement an Approved Provider List (APL) for Working Age Adults Care & Support Services including accommodation-based services, domiciliary support, outreach and day opportunities; will provide professionals and the citizens of Leeds, clear information on the services available to meet needs, with assurances that there is a contract in place, due diligence has been completed and there is contract management relationship with the provider. It will continue to encourage and support people who use services to have choice and control over how to meet their needs and promote a diverse market in Leeds, meeting our Care Act 2014 responsibilities.

Impact On Wards

The Approved Provider List will be city wide.

Financial and procurement implications

Although there is no additional spend, it will mean that current SPOT contracts for domiciliary, outreach and day opportunities would be on-contract spend going forward.

For Day Opportunities, this is approximately £3 million per year.

For WAA domiciliary and outreach support, this is approximately £9.5 million per year.

The APL will allow value for money work to be completed with all providers that are approved for the list during due diligence and before the commencement of services, allowing greater oversight and negotiation by the Commissioning Team. 

There will not be an additional cost of this procurement / APL. The Providers that will be added to the APL and services commissioned now and, in the future, would have been commissioned via Care Management Teams to meet individuals' eligible needs. This is a mechanism to provide clearer contract management oversight, market overview and greater choice and control to individuals who use services of what is available to them.


Partnership working

This is a decision to be taken by Leeds Adults & Health Directorate and is not dependent on other decisions to be taken elsewhere.




The Director of Adults and Health approved:


The development of an Approved Provider List (APL) for Working Age Adults Services for 10 years commencing October 2022:

Nursing and Residential Care Homes

£79M per annum

Supported Living/Housing 

Domiciliary and Outreach Support

£9.5M per annum 

Day Opportunities

£10.25M per annum


Approved the issuing of the standard overarching contract documentation containing Overarching Terms and Conditions, Individual Service Agreements and Service Specification to currently used working age adult domiciliary, outreach and day opportunity services, that are presently spot purchased.


Permited access to the Approved Provider List (APL) for Working Age Adults, to the presently spot purchased providers who accept the overarching contract documentation, subject to them passing due diligence checks.


Reason Key: Financial Impact>£500K;

Wards Affected: (All Wards);

Other reasons / organisations consulted

Briefing to Executive Member for Adult and Children's Social Care and Health Partnerships.



Executive Member for Adult and Children's Social Care and Health Partnerships.

Contact: Aidan Smith, Commissioning and Contracts Officer 0113 378 7856 Email:

Publication date: 25/05/2022

Date of decision: 06/06/2022

Effective from: 14/06/2022

Accompanying Documents: