Reference: D57438
Decision Maker: Director of City Development
Decision status: Recommendations Approved
Is Key decision?: No
Is subject to call in?: No
The Chief Officer (Highways &
Transportation) was requested to:
a) Note the contents of this report and the objections detailed in
Appendix A.
b) Consider and taking into account the comments made, overrule the
objections received to Leeds City Council (Traffic Regulation)
(Waiting Restriction) (No.46) Order 2014 Amendment No.3 Order
c) Request the City Solicitor to write to the objectors informing
them of the decision taken and to then make and seal the above
Wards Affected: Adel and Wharfedale;
Contact: Jonathan Waters, Highways Officer 0113 378 7492 Email:
Publication date: 13/05/2024
Accompanying Documents: