Decision details

Youth Justice Service Plan - 2024-2027

Reference: D57675

Decision status: Recommendations Approved

Is Key decision?: No

Is subject to call in?: No


The Director of Children and Families submitted a report presenting the refreshed Leeds Youth Justice Service Plan for the period 2024-27 and provided an update on the work undertaken and progress made in respect of the previous plan which covered 2021-24. The report sought the Board’s endorsement of the plan with the recommendation that it is referred to Full Council in November 2024 for approval and formal adoption as part of the Council’s Budget and Policy Framework.


In presenting the report, the Executive Member highlighted that the plan had a strong commitment to a ‘child first’ principle. The impact of poverty and deepening inequalities were highlighted as key issues, with the report setting out the work being undertaken to address such matters.


Responding to a Member’s request, the Director undertook to provide the Member in question with a briefing on the issues covered in the submitted report.


In response to a Member’s enquiries regarding the re-offending rates and also first time offender rates presented, further information and context was provided on those statistics, together with details on the range of actions and interventions being taken in this area in order to reduce offending behaviours in children across the city.



(a)  That the Leeds Youth Justice Service Plan, as submitted to the Board, be endorsed, with the Board’s agreement that the Plan be referred to Full Council in November 2024 with a recommendation of approval and formal adoption as part of the Council’s Budget and Policy Framework;


(b)  That it be noted that the responsible officers for the implementation of such matters are the Service Delivery Manager, Leeds Youth Justice Service; and the Head of Service, Children Looked After and Youth Justice Service. That it also be noted that the Youth Justice Service Partnership Board has statutory responsibility to monitor performance, ensuring the delivery of service improvements and the meeting of local priorities.


(Given that the above decisions were being made in accordance with the Council’s Budget and Policy Framework Procedure Rules, they were not eligible for Call In)

Publication date: 20/09/2024

Date of decision: 18/09/2024

Decided at meeting: 18/09/2024 - Executive Board

Accompanying Documents: