Decision details

Council Housing Growth Programme: Approval to enter into Pre-Construction Services Delivery Agreement to deliver the Extra Care Housing Scheme at Middlecross.

Reference: D57711

Decision Maker: Director of City Development

Decision status: Recommendations Approved

Is Key decision?: No

Is subject to call in?: No


The Interim Director of City Development has noted the contents of the decision on the 7th May 2024 which still stands apart from the following minor amendments;

a) Following the decision there has been a change to the contractors name; this should read “Morgan Sindall Construction & Infrastructure Limited (MSCL)” as opposed to Morgan Sindall Construction Limited (MSCL) as written in the original report.
b) The price has slightly increased since the Feasibility report and the figures should read £370,649 as opposed to £370,513; the slight change refers to client agreed pre-construction additional activities / people costs.

The original report is also attached.

Wards Affected: Armley;

Contact: Liam Brook, Asset Management & Regeneration Officer 0113 378 0009 Email:

Publication date: 03/10/2024

Accompanying Documents: