Decision details

Fast Track Cities: One Year On (2024)

Reference: D57743

Decision status: Recommendations Approved

Is Key decision?: No

Is subject to call in?: Yes


The Director of Public Health submitted a report which provided an overview of the Fast Track Cities initiative, the achievements in Leeds in the last twelve months, as well as the ambitions for the next year. The report noted that Fast Track Cities is a global partnership between cities and municipalities around the world in which participants declare a commitment to ending HIV, Viral Hepatitis and Tuberculosis (TB) epidemics by 2030.


In presenting the report, the Executive Member provided an overview of the initiative and the ambitious nature of it, the actions which continued to be taken, the challenges which were being faced and the progress that had been made over past year. It was also highlighted that in February 2023, Leeds became the first city in the Yorkshire and Humber region to become a Fast Track City.


In response to a Member’s enquiry, the Board received further information on the ways in which progress in this area would be monitored and measured, with it being noted that indicators relating to HIV and blood-borne viruses were part of a dashboard which was considered by the city’s Health Protection Board, as part of the Team Leeds health protection processes. It was undertaken that such dashboard data would be shared with Board Members for information.


It was also noted that in the most recent data there had been increases in several indicators, which was partly due to the fact that more testing was being undertaken. Further information was then given on the approach being taken to manage such matters moving forward.



(a)  That the achievements of the Fast Track City initiative, as detailed within the submitted report, be recognised;


(b)  That the future ambitions of the Fast Track City initiative, be supported, and that the development of the Leeds: Getting to Zero Action Plan also be supported, together with the aim of reducing the stigma and misinformation associated with TB, HIV and Hepatitis.


Publication date: 18/10/2024

Date of decision: 16/10/2024

Decided at meeting: 16/10/2024 - Executive Board

Effective from: 26/10/2024

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