Reference: D40607
Decision Maker: Executive Board
Decision status: Recommendations Approved
Is Key decision?: Yes
Is subject to call in?: No
The Burglary Reduction Programme has contributed to significant reductions in domestic burglary across the city over the past 12 months. Funding to support this initiative has come through the Community Safety Fund (CSF), which is allocated to Community Safety Partnerships (CSP) by the Home Office on an annual basis. From April 2013, the CSF will form part of the newly elected Police and Crime Commissioners (PCC) pooled budget. The PCC will determine how this funding is allocated across the sub-region, taking away direct control from local CSP.
Further to Minute No. 218, (7th March 2012) the Director of Environment and Neighbourhoods submitted a report providing a position statement on the delivery of the city’s multi-agency Burglary Reduction Programme, which commenced in September 2011. Specifically, the report sought approval to extend the current programme of activity for a further 12 months using funding allocated to the city by the West Yorkshire Police and Crime Commissioner.
Having noted the positive results which had been achieved overall since the commencement of the Burglary Reduction Programme, Members highlighted the important role of the Police and the effective multi-agency approach which had been taken as part of the programme.
The Board then considered those parts of the programme which had been most effective, and discussed the priorities of the Police Crime Commissioner which included burglary reduction. In addition, Members noted the evolving trends in Leeds with respect to drug and alcohol dependency, the evolving trends with regard to certain elements of criminal activity, and how such trends were reflected within the burglary figures.
RESOLVED – That expenditure of up to £484,000 to 31st March 2014 be approved, in order to enable the existing programme of activity, aimed at reducing domestic burglary, to continue for a further year, and thereby support further work to embed good practice and a lasting legacy in relation to burglary reduction for the future.
Portfolio Holder: Portfolio: Neighbourhoods, Planning and Support Services
Other reasons / organisations consulted
Ongoing consultation is taking place with Ward Members in localities of concern and via Member briefings and development sessions.
Contact: Keith Gilert, Chief Officer - Community Safety Email: Email:
Report author: Keith Gilert
Publication date: 18/11/2013
Date of decision: 24/04/2013
Decided at meeting: 24/04/2013 - Executive Board
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