Reference: D42832
Decision Maker: Executive Board
Decision status: Recommendations Approved
Is Key decision?: Yes
Is subject to call in?: Yes
To agree the vision and principles outlined in the report as the basis for consultation with key stakeholders and the general public.
The Director of City Development submitted a report setting out a transport vision for Leeds as a prosperous, liveable, healthy and sustainable 21st century city. In addition, the report recognised the challenges and complexities of changing the way we travel into and around the city in order to create a more people friendly and productive urban core, identifying the key policy principles that the Council would need to adopt in order to deliver a transport system fit for a Leeds as a 21st century city.
Members discussed the range of initiatives which were currently being used to address the volume of car journeys within the city centre, and also considered the issue of car parking provision and the role which such provision could play in the overall transport vision.
When considering the suite of reports which had been submitted to the Board regarding pedestrian movement, transport and the public realm, it was suggested that when such matters were presented to the Board in the future, consideration be given to them being presented as one package.
(a) That the transport vision, as outlined in paragraph 3.11 of the submitted report be approved, and that the key policy principles, as presented within the paragraphs (a) – (i) of the same report, be adopted;
(b) That officers be requested to use the vision and principles to work with the West Yorkshire Combined Authority in order to help shape the Single Transport Plan, and that as part of this, develop a compelling ambition for investment in an integrated mass transit network with supporting strategic park and ride infrastructure, and HS2 connectivity package;
(c) That officers be requested to submit a report to Executive Board in 2016 which reviews the long term options for the Leeds Inner Ring Road;
(d) That in accordance with the Leeds Core Strategy Local Development Framework, officers be requested to submit a Car Parking Supplementary Planning Document to Executive Board for the purposes of adoption during 2016;
(e) That in partnership with the Communications Team and the West Yorkshire Combined Authority, officers be requested to develop a holistic transport communications strategy, compatible with social media that engages key stakeholders, government, and the general public in a city wide conversation;
(f) That the Director of City Development be instructed to co-ordinate the work, as detailed within the resolutions above, with an update being submitted to Executive Board in 2016.
Reason Key: Affects more than 1 ward;
Portfolio Holder: Executive Member for Regeneration, Transport and Planning
Other reasons / organisations consulted
There has already been wide spread engagement on the overall aspirations of the transport strategy from city centre conferences held in 2008 and 2012, and more recent engagement undertaken as part of the Council’s Breakthrough workshop and Transport Symposium. Core Strategy Polices SP11, T1 and T2 were subject to formal consultation in accordance with the Local Development Framework. We will use the annual transport key stakeholder event to continue this city wide conversation on transport.
Executive Member for Regeneration, Transport and Planning
General Public
Contact: Liz Hunter, Transport Policy Manager 0113 2477922 Email:
Report author: Liz Hunter
Publication date: 26/10/2015
Date of decision: 21/10/2015
Decided at meeting: 21/10/2015 - Executive Board
Effective from: 31/10/2015
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