Decision details

Regionalisation of Adoption

Reference: D43607

Decision Maker: Executive Board

Decision status: Recommendations Approved

Is Key decision?: Yes

Is subject to call in?: Yes


To note the progress of the arrangements to establish a regional adoption agency.


To delegate future decision making in relation to this to the Director of Children’s Services which will include:

·  the delegation of the functions of the local authority adoption agency; setting up of the governance arrangements including a joint committee with other West Yorkshire Local Authority’s and a partnership agreement; and

·  agreement to become the host authority for the Regional Adoption Agency and the transfer of staff from other Local Authorities into Leeds City Council,


The Director of Children’s Services submitted a report providing information on the adoption reform proposals contained within the Education and Adoption Act 2016 and which outlined the collaborative work which was being undertaken with other Local Authorities and Voluntary Adoption Agencies in order to develop a new model of delivering adoption services in the Yorkshire and Humber region.


Members welcomed the proposals detailed within the submitted report and paid tribute to all those involved for the significant work which had been undertaken on this initiative to date. In addition, emphasis was placed upon the positive outcomes for children and young people which could be achieved from the collaborative approach being taken.



(a)  That the proposals towards progressing the arrangements for establishing a Regional Adoption Agency and the creation of a West Yorkshire Adoption Agency, be supported and endorsed;


(b)  That agreement be given to the proposition that Leeds City Council becomes the host authority for the agency;


(c)  That the above resolutions be agreed, subject to the satisfactory resolution of the following:

·  The appointment of a joint committee with appropriate membership, terms of reference and rules of procedure;

·  The appointment of a management board including the West Yorkshire local authorities and third sector organisations through a partnership agreement;

·  Proposed delegation of functions from the Joint Committee to the lead officer within the West Yorkshire Adoption Agency with regard to the recruitment and assessment of adopters, adoption panels, family finding and adoption support;

·  The transfer of staff from other Local Authorities into Leeds City Council;

·  The establishment of a budget for the new agency and a funding formula to reflect each Local Authorities contribution to the regional agency budget;

·  Establishment of the commissioning needs of the new agency and the ICT requirements;

·  The creation of an organisational unit within Leeds City Council for the new West Yorkshire Adoption Agency. The lead officer for this will be the Director of Children’s Services and the unit will sit within Children’s Services;

·  Agreement that the Director of Children’s Services will continue to work with the participating authorities in order to progress these matters.

Reason Key: Expenditure > £250,000;

Portfolio Holder: The Executive Member for Children & Families

Contact: Sarah Johal, National Adoption Strategic Lead 0113 3783644 Email:

Report author: Sarah Johal

Publication date: 01/08/2016

Date of decision: 27/07/2016

Decided at meeting: 27/07/2016 - Executive Board

Effective from: 06/08/2016

Accompanying Documents: