Decision details

Design & Cost Report for an extension to the 'Early Works' required to facilitate the Learning Places expansion of Bramley Primary School Capital Scheme Number: 32450/BRA/000

Reference: D44387

Decision Maker: Director of Children and Families

Decision status: For Determination

Is Key decision?: No

Is subject to call in?: No


The Director of Children & Families agreed to:
* Sanction the requirement to extend the 'Early Works Agreement' with the LLEP for ICL to deliver a package of works to facilitate the Learning Places expansion at Bramley Primary School. This will take the form of an extension to the existing 'Early Works' agreement between the authority and Leeds D&B One Ltd for the sum of £577,000;
* approve the expenditure of £577,000 from capital scheme number 32450/BRA/000 for the completion of a package of 'Early Works' necessary to deliver the expansion of Bramley Primary School for a September 2017 occupation. This is to be funded from the £3.25m allocated for the full expansion of Bramley Primary as part of the Learning Places Programme report approved at the December 2016 Executive Board;
* note that a separate DCR will be submitted for the main works once financial close has been achieved in May 2017;
* note that a previous 'Early Works' agreement has been approved at a value of £249,000 which covered the April 2017 activity schedule. The proposals detailed herein are in addition to this figure and will cover the May 2017 activity schedule; and
* note that the officer responsible for implementation is the Head of Learning Improvement.

Wards Affected: Bramley and Stanningley;

Contact: Christopher Gosling, Estate Management - Development Officer 0113 3951403 Email:

Publication date: 08/05/2017

Accompanying Documents: