Reference: D52446
Decision Maker: Executive Board
Decision status: Recommendations Approved
Is Key decision?: Yes
Is subject to call in?: Yes
Description of the decision required |
Brief Description |
In 2015, the Council commissioned provision of services for people with learning disabilities and/or autism which were previously delivered in-house. The block contract arrangement put in place, including the 12 month extension period, expires on 31st July 2021 and the range of services delivered through the contract need to be re-commissioned. |
Impact On Wards |
The proposed approach will provide services city wide. |
Financial and procurement implications |
The annual contract value for the financial year 2020-21 is £20,497,000. The agreed price for the contract extension period, which is from 1st August 2020 to 31st July 2021, is £20,508,000. 1:1 hours of provision will be commissioned in addition to the block contract value (£2,597,831 for 2019/20). |
Partnership working |
The Council is the lead commissioner of these services. Some of the services are funded by NHS Leeds CCG as part of a Pooled Budget arrangement. The CCG is a key partner in the commissioning arrangements. The Council currently contracts directly with Aspire for the delivery of the range of learning disability and autism services. Aspire delivers a small element of theseservices via a number of third sector providers through sub-contracting arrangements.
The Director of Adults and Health submitted a report which noted that existing block contract arrangements with Aspire were due to expire on 31st July 2021, and as such, outlined proposals for the re-commissioning of the services currently provided through the block contracting arrangements and proposed the commencement of associated consultation, as appropriate.
In introducing the report, the Executive Member highlighted how in considering the different commissioning arrangements, there was an opportunity to ensure that the re-provisioned services had a focus on personalised and strengths based approaches
Responding to a Member’s enquiry, the Board was provided with further information on the actions being taken by Aspire to develop their base outside of the Council.
(a) That agreement be given for different approaches to be followed for the different areas of service, based upon existing commissioning arrangements for similar services, current expertise and the capacity in the market, and also based upon the financial implications of the different scenarios, with the following being progressed further, including through formal consultation:
(i) Supported Living – commission the services from Aspire through individual spot purchasing arrangements, as per Scenario 4.1 (b) as detailed within Appendix 3 to the submitted report;
(ii) Respite and Emergency Respite services – undertake market sounding and procure the services through a competitive tender process, as per Scenario 4.2 (b) as detailed within Appendix 3 to the submitted report;
(iii) Day Opportunities – commission the services from Aspire through individual spot purchase arrangements, as per Scenario 4.3 (b) as detailed within Appendix 3 to the submitted report.
(b) That it be noted that the Deputy Director of Integrated Commissioning will lead and progress this work.
Reason Key: Financial Impact>£500K;
Other reasons / organisations consulted
On-line and at face to face meetings.
Councillor Charlwood,
Service users and carers,
Other service providers.
Contact: Caroline Baria, Director of Adults and Health 0113 378 9914 Email:
Report author: Caroline Baria
Publication date: 05/11/2020
Date of decision: 21/10/2020
Decided at meeting: 21/10/2020 - Executive Board
Effective from: 31/10/2020
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