Reference: D55644
Decision Maker: Executive Board
Decision status: Recommendations Approved
Is Key decision?: Yes
Is subject to call in?: Yes
The Leeds Safe Roads Vision Zero 2040 road safety strategy details how Leeds City Council and partners will work towards achieving our vision ‘to ensure that by 2040 no one is killed or very seriously injured on the roads in Leeds’.
Executive Board will be requested to:
a) Agree to the adoption and publication of the Leeds Safe Roads Vision Zero 2040 Strategy and first Action Plan 2022-25.
b) Accept an annual progress report of the Strategy and Action Plan.
c) Agree that the Director of City Development alongside the Chief Officer Highways and Transportation will lead on implementing the delivery of the Leeds Safe Roads Vision Zero 2040 Strategy and Action Plan.
d) Note that future funding required to achieve our Vision Zero ambition in Leeds will be identified through work on delivery plans.
Further to Minute No. 120, 9th February 2022, the Director of City Development submitted a report regarding the Leeds Safe Roads Vision Zero 2040 Strategy which set out the Council’s ambition that by 2040 no one is killed or seriously injured on the roads in Leeds. The report sought approval to adopt the Leeds Safe Roads Vision Zero 2040 Strategy and associated Action Plan 2022-25.
The Executive Member for Infrastructure and Climate outlined the approach proposed to be taken by the strategy, and in doing so, extended her thanks to the significant contribution which had been made by the Infrastructure, Investment and Inclusive Growth Scrutiny Board in its development.
In considering the report, Members supported the proposals to work towards the ambition that by 2040 no one is killed or seriously injured on the roads in Leeds.
Responding to Members’ comments about the role of the Council in the delivery of the strategy, the Board received further information on the approach that would be taken to implement the ambitions within it and the provision of resource for that. In response to Members’ comments regarding the vital role played by the Council in such matters, it was highlighted that although the Council would continue to play that role, the success of the strategy would also require a behavioural shift in the community, which would be supported and promoted by the Council together with relevant partners via a range of actions. It was noted that this would include further reports being submitted to Executive Board, as appropriate.
Specific enquiries were also made in relation to the introduction and enforcement of new speed limits on specified roads, with further information being provided on the established procedure relating to such matters and the role played by the Council in partnership with the Police as part of that. In response to a specific case, officers undertook to look into that matter further and respond to the Member in question.
In conclusion, thanks was extended to officers and partners who had helped develop the proposed strategy to its current position.
(a) That the adoption and publication of the Leeds Safe Roads Vision Zero 2040 Strategy and first Action Plan 2022-25, as appended to the submitted report, be approved;
(b) That it be noted that an Annual progress report regarding the strategy will be presented;
(c) That it be agreed that the Director of City Development alongside the Chief Officer Highways and Transportation will lead on the implementation of the delivery of the Leeds Safe Roads Vision Zero 2040 Strategy and Action Plan;
(d) That it be noted that future funding required to achieve the Council’s Vision Zero ambition in Leeds will be identified through work on delivery plans.
Reason Key: Affects more than 1 ward;
Portfolio Holder: Executive Member for Infrastructure and Climate
Other reasons / organisations consulted
Extensive engagement has taken place during the consultation phase.
· All ward councillors
· The West Yorkshire Combined Authority
· Leeds residents and businesses
· Third sector interest groups
· Emergency Services
· Public transport operators
· WY districts
Contact: Lynsey McGarvey, Principal Transport Planner 01133784157 Email:
Report author: Lynsey McGarvey
Publication date: 26/09/2022
Date of decision: 21/09/2022
Decided at meeting: 21/09/2022 - Executive Board
Effective from: 01/10/2022
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