Decision details

Award of the procurement of New Machinery, Parks and Countryside.

Reference: D55961

Decision Maker: Director of Communities, Housing & Environment

Decision status: Recommendations Approved

Is Key decision?: No

Is subject to call in?: No


What decision has been taken?

The Chief Officer of Parks and Countryside approved the award of contracts for the procurement of new machinery for Parks and Countryside utilising the North East Procurement Organisation (NEPO) and The Procurement Partnership Ltd (TPPL) framework:

Scheme ID: 62100 - Lot 1 The supply of 15 x Diesel out Front Rotary Mowers to Gibsons Garden Machinery

Scheme ID: 62328 Lot 1 - The Supply of 30 x Electric Cylinder Bowling Green Mowers to Balmers GM Ltd

Scheme ID: 62397 Lot 1 - The Supply of 1 x Tractor Mounted Arm Mower to Balmers GM Ltd

Scheme ID: 64570 Lot 1 - The Supply of 40 x Pedestrian Rotary Mowers to Balmers GM Ltd

To the total value of £718,705.20

The contract will commence and orders placed January 2023.

Wards Affected: (All Wards);

Contact: Stephen Whiteside 0113 3732882 Email:

Publication date: 19/01/2023

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