Decision details

Variation to existing partnership arrangements to provide support for Ukrainian refugees arriving through 'Homes for Ukraine' in Doncaster, East Riding and Rotherham

Reference: D56193

Decision Maker: Director of Communities, Housing & Environment

Is Key decision?: Yes

Is subject to call in?: Yes


The ‘Homes for Ukraine’ Scheme was launched in March 2022. As part of the Scheme local authorities are required to deliver integration services to Ukrainian refugees who arrive through the scheme.

Doncaster, East Riding and Rotherham Councils requested to vary their existing Partnership Agreements with Leeds City Council (Migration Yorkshire) to add the provision of a ‘wraparound integration service’ for Ukrainian refugees who have arrived through Homes for Ukraine.  A variation to the existing Grant Agreement with the British Refugee Council is required to deliver this service.



The Director of Communities Housing and Environment :-


a)  Approved a variation to the existing Partnership Agreement between Leeds City Council (Migration Yorkshire) and City of Doncaster Council to provide for 12 months of integration support for Ukrainian refugees who have arrived in the UK through Homes for Ukraine from 1st April 2022 to 28th February 2023. This means the variation agreement has a retrospective commencement date based on when the service commenced of 1st May 2022 and end date of 29th February 2024.

b)  Approved a variation to the existing Partnership Agreement between Leeds City Council (Migration Yorkshire) and East Riding of Yorkshire Council to provide for 12 months of integration support to Ukrainian refugees who have arrived in the UK through Homes for Ukraine from 1st April 2022 to 28th February 2023. This means the variation agreement has a retrospective commencement date based on when the service commenced of 1st May 2022 and end date of 29th February 2024.

c)  Approved a variation to the existing Partnership Agreement between Leeds City Council (Migration Yorkshire) and Rotherham Metropolitan Borough Council to provide for 12 months of integration support to Ukrainian refugees who have arrived in the UK through Homes for Ukraine from 1st April 2022 to 31st December 2022. This means the variation agreement has a retrospective commencement date based on when the service commenced of 1st September 2022 and end date of 31st December 2023.

d)  Approved a variation to the existing Grant Agreement between Leeds City Council (Migration Yorkshire) and the British Refugee Council to deliver the above services in Doncaster, East Riding and Rotherham. This means the variation agreement has a retrospective commencement date depending on when the service commenced of 1st May 2022 and end date of 29th February 2024.

e)  Approved a variation in the payment flow in the above agreements which will permit Leeds City Council (Migration Yorkshire) to receive Department for Levelling up, Housing and Communities (DLUHC) grant funding via City of Doncaster Council, East Riding of Yorkshire Council and Rotherham Metropolitan Borough Council, and allow the onward payment of such funds to the British Refugee Council. The British Refugee Council will directly invoice Leeds City Council (Migration Yorkshire) for work done; subsequently Leeds City Council (Migration Yorkshire) will invoice the relevant partner local authority (partner LA) for the work at the same cost.


f)  Approved the entry into such other agreements that the Head of Migration Yorkshire believes are needed to enable the delivery of a wraparound integration service to Ukrainian refugees in the ‘Homes for Ukraine’ Sponsorship Scheme.


Reason Key: Financial Impact>£500K;

Wards Affected: (All Wards);

Other reasons / organisations consulted

Consultation with strategic and delivery partners and funders


Local Authorities, project partners and strategic partners

Contact: David Brown, Head of Migration Yorkshire 0113 3789013 Email:

Publication date: 23/03/2023

Date of decision: 31/03/2023

Effective from: 12/04/2023

Accompanying Documents: