Decision details

Gym Refurbishment for Armley Leisure Centre

Reference: D56547

Decision Maker: Director of City Development

Decision status: Recommendations Approved

Is Key decision?: No

Is subject to call in?: No


The Chief Officer Financial Services has agreed to inject £222,199.93 departmental prudential borrowing into the 2023/24 Capital Programme.

The Chief Officer, Operations and Active Leeds has agreed to give authority to spend £222,199.93 in 2023 supported from prudential borrowing:

Cardio equipment – capital spend of £108,010 over 5 years with an annual payback of £25,439

Resistance equipment – capital spend of £114,190 over 10 years with an annual payback of £15,302

Wards Affected: Armley;

Contact: Catherine Fenton, Active Leeds Officer 07980 727942 Email:

Publication date: 30/06/2023

Accompanying Documents: